Politika Online – Šarčević denied allegations that children who have not been vaccinated will be banned from school


The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, Mladen Šarčević, declared that primary education in Serbia is compulsory and that he upholds the obligation of secondary education.

He reacted to the announcements that appeared on certain social networks that children who were not vaccinated would be banned from school, as well as that they would be separated from their parents, and valued that these were misinterpretations of his statements, which were taken out of context .

“Maybe someone is upset that during the COVID-19 pandemic, education was shown to be one of the segments of society in which good results and a high level of organization have been achieved,” Sarcevic said.

He assessed that there was obviously a “malicious political need to manipulate what was said and to state something that was never said as a minister’s statement.”

“It is well known that primary education is compulsory and I defend that legal changes allow secondary education to also be compulsory. On the other hand, vaccination is a heritage of civilization and is something that is regulated by laws in the field of health care, and not in the field of education, “said Šarčević, it is stated in the announcement of the corresponding ministry.

Šarčević recalled that family relationships, including the relationship between a child and a parent, are regulated by the Family Law, which is followed by social work centers that are not under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Tanjug reports.

He stressed that no one can prohibit a child from going to school.

“The right of the child to education is not only a constitutional but also a universal right, something that is guaranteed by the Convention on the Rights of the Child.” No one has ever mentioned that no one will be prohibited from attending school under any circumstances. ” said the minister.

He recalled that in the field of education and parenting, the responsibility of students and parents is regulated by the articles of the Law of Fundamentals of the Education and Parenting System (ZOSOV).

The law establishes, among other things, that the father, that is, the other legal representative of the child, is responsible, among other things, for “respecting the rules of the institution,” the advertisement adds.
