Politika Online – Professor Danica Popović behaved in a non-academic manner


Yesterday, the Teaching-Scientific Council of the Faculty of Economics (EKOF) in Belgrade confirmed the conclusion of the ethics commission there that its professor Dr. Danica Popović behaved in a non-academic manner when translating the textbook “International Economics “by Dominique Salvatore, published in 2018.. Dr. Branislav Boricic. This was determined by an absolute majority with 72 positive votes, out of the 105 council members who voted.

Based on the opinion of the aforementioned ethics commission and interuniversity experts, the council members also claimed that Popović violated article 22 of the Code of Professional Ethics of the University of Belgrade, which defines plagiarism, says Dean Boričić. The decision to impose an extreme measure that can be a public reprimand, as proposed by the ethics commission, and yesterday by the faculty council, or even a more difficult academic qualification – public condemnation, such as that imposed on Siniša Mali for thesis plagiarized doctoral, now it’s up to Dean Boričić.

As Boricic recently reminded our work, he has a legal term of 15 days to judge, but he also emphasized that, as far as he is concerned, “the decision is made by the members of the Teaching-Scientific Council”, who held the session yesterday. With your signature, if prof. Popovic does not appeal, the two-year affair covering one of the “strongest” and most respected faculties in the country will be ended. Informed members of the university say that in recent practice there have been examples that when voting on a violation of article 22 of the Code of Professional Ethics, in accordance with the Regulation on the Procedure for Determining Non-Academic Conduct in the Writing of Articles, the most severe measure usually follows, public condemnation.

This does not mean that it will be the same in the case of a very strict EKOF professor who is accused of taking up to 150 pages from the previous version of that academic book in the amended edition of the International Economics textbook translation, whose translator is the late Professor Dr. Stojan Babic. The ethics commission recently confirmed the expert commission’s position that Popović “borrowed” an average of 43 percent of the text from the late colleague’s translation of 11 controversial chapters. In other words, the “turnitin” plagiarism recognition program showed such a percentage of “overlapping pages by chapters” of two translations, the one in which prof. Babic and the last one whose name was removed four months after his death. The overlap ranges from just three percent in the introductory chapter to 70 percent in the tenth chapter.

By proposing a public warning to prof. Popovic, members of the ethics commission, stated that “by imposing the indicated measures, the teaching staff, that is, the members of the academic community, unconditionally distance themselves from morally unacceptable behavior and send a message to the general public that such behavior it is inappropriate for members of the academic community. “

The procedure to determine Professor Popović’s non-academic conduct was initiated at the request of the then EKOF student, who recently defended his teacher, Aleksandar Jakšić. According to him, EKOF showed what a real faculty is like and “how the integrity of the institution is protected from dishonest people.”

– The absolute majority of teachers voted that Danica Popović plagiarized and abused the author’s work of the late Professor Babić, and she was automatically followed by a measure of public condemnation. It would be moral for Professor Popović to now withdraw from the faculty and apologize to all the professors and all the students of the Faculty of Economics for the intellectual theft, and to pay the family of the late Professor Babić the fees he deserved for his work. I encourage her to keep telling lies about me, because it has been proven once again that she is a complete stranger to the truth – Jaksic pointed out.

After yesterday’s session of the Teaching-Scientific Council, prof. Danica Popović noted for our article in the sent SMS:

– If it is confirmed in the verdict that my translation is not plagiarism, and it is confirmed, then there is no basis for any other conviction because that slanderous student did not sue me for anything else. Convicting someone for an act for which they have not even been sued is rightly called plus petitio, and it means an illegal act: being tried for one thing and convicted for another! That does not correspond to a serious faculty, and that possible verdict will be the basis for me to turn to the university for protection against arbitrariness and persecution, which is obviously being implemented against me.

In circles close to the university cusp, they explain that the public reprimand entails the loss of the opportunity to reach managerial positions in the faculty or university, and that the public condemnation results in the deprivation of the academic title.
