Politika Online – PCR test required to enter Serbia


Foreign citizens will not be able to enter Serbia without a negative PCR test, no more than 48 hours, while Serbian citizens will be able to enter the country without a test, but will then need to be quarantined, said minister and staff member Darija Kisic-Tepavcevic.

The measure will be valid from December 20, probably until January 10, depending on the epidemiological situation, Kisić Tepavčević said after the crisis staff session.

“Today, the crisis staff made a decision according to which an intensified control will be carried out at the border crossings with a mandatory PCR test for all foreign nationals who want to enter our country,” said Kisić Tepavčević.

The test will be required for all foreign citizens, regardless of the country from which they enter Serbia.

“As far as our citizens are concerned, the Constitution guarantees them entry into the country and they are always welcome. They will be given mandatory home isolation for 10 days, if they do not have a negative PCR test. They can break that quarantine with a negative PCR test, “Kisić-Tepavčević explained.

Current measures until Friday, then maybe new

Minister and member of the Crisis Staff Darija Kisić Tepavčević announced that today in the Staff session it was decided that all restrictive measures, which were valid until now, will be in force until Friday, December 18, after which it will be reconsidered whether will introduce additional measures. or change existing ones.

Kisic Tepavcevic said that the current measures have been effective, although the numbers are still very high.

“But we can see a continued decrease in the number of newly infected people, a decrease in the percentage of positivity, as well as a more favorable ratio of the number of hospitalized to discharged patients.” However, these are still high values, the burden on the health system is great and we must all do everything possible to reduce the transmission of the virus, ”Kisić said after the Headquarters session.

He appealed to citizens to celebrate the upcoming holidays and celebrations this year in the closest circle of the family, but also to adhere to all preventive measures.

He pointed out that the celebration in the houses will not be controlled, because that is not possible.

“Nobody wants to do that kind of control. On the other hand, I think that we all start from ourselves and that we all want to have a healthy environment in our home, and not that the houses are places of gathering and spreading of the infection,” said Kisić Tanjug reports.
