Politika Online – MUP changes regulations on police badges


The text published in “Politika” under the title “More than 10,000 people have fake police plates” aroused great interest in the public and they began to think about changing the regulations in that area. The issue drew attention to the abuse of false and trade union badges that visually resemble real police badges, and are awarded to honorary union members who are not employed in the Serbian Ministry of the Interior.

Yesterday there was an announcement from the Ministry of the Interior about the changes to the Decree on the appearance, form and content of the official plate and official identification card. Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin spoke with representatives of the Serbian Police Union about this issue. The meeting concluded that such changes are necessary, because false credentials, in addition to misleading citizens and being the subject of a crime, also endanger the safety of the police.

In recent days, there have been numerous reactions from police unions to our text. As an illustration, we used three photographs of union badges that visually resemble real police badges.

One of these photos, which was published on the cover of “Politika”, shows a plaque with the words UKP (which is an abbreviation of the Directorate of Criminal Police, the most elitist unit that is considered the most important in the MUP and fights against the mafia). .

The abbreviation UKP on this “badge” is actually an abbreviation for the United Police Collective union. The people of this union believe that by publishing their “plaque” in the context of the issue, we have violated the reputation of the United Police Collective and all of its members. They say the photo is actually a photo of a plaque that was intended as a union gift for retired MUP members, so it was not even made as a union badge or identification.

“The union of the Colectivo de Policia Unida has never dealt with the sale of such or similar official credentials and identification cards. We have also publicly supported the abolition of union badges,” they say for our newspaper in this police union.

When asked what the solution is to the problem related to union badges, the United Police Collective responded that they believe that all union badges should simply be abolished or strictly ordered through regulations on appearance and content.

“We honestly don’t see the need to issue badges, and if the union already wants to thank someone, they can do so by issuing a thank you note or by making a plaque.” In our opinion, badges can only be awarded to retired members of the security services. “All credentials that may mislead citizens with their appearance or content must be permanently confiscated during the control of people and vehicles as an object that can be used to commit criminal acts, and in case of abuse they must be severely punished”, create the United Police Collective.

This union was founded in 2018 due, as they say, to the dissatisfaction of the MUP members with the work of the unions to which they belonged.
