Politika Online – Montenegro: Manipulation that religious freedom law will be repealed


PODGORICA – The Ministry of Human and Minority Rights of Montenegro announced today that the complaints about the intensification of political announcements about changes to the Law on Religious Freedom and, as they say, even its repeal, are intentional manipulations and concealment of interests.

The Montenegrin Law on Freedom of Religion is, they claim, modern, liberal and unrestricted in the protection, enjoyment and promotion of religious freedoms.

It is also stated that the current law was adopted in order to promote the social and cultural expression of religion, without any restriction, and this important social issue is regulated, as stated, in a democratic, civilized manner and without violating rights and religious freedoms, Tanjug reports.

In the opinion of the Ministry, “it is an indisputable fact” that the existing law is not discriminatory and provides an optimal framework, without privileging anyone, for the free exercise of religion.

The law on freedom of religion was approved by the Montenegrin parliament on December 27 last year under the cover of night and after the arrest of some leaders of opposition parties, especially the Democratic Front.

The Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Litoral (MCP) of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC) challenged the aforementioned law, as it was discriminatory and, according to their interpretation, it was adopted with the aim of confiscating the assets of the MCP.

The ICR requested certain reforms to the law, and the dialogue initiated with the government on that occasion was unsuccessful and was interrupted.

Protests and then litigation over disagreements with the law followed, involving dozens of citizens from all cities in Montenegro.

Lithium has been banned for allegedly violating measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Following the parliamentary elections in Montenegro, held on August 30, and the triumph of the three opposition coalitions, which will most likely form a new government, changes were announced to the controversial law that, according to those familiar with the situation, is one of the main reasons for the fall of the government of DPS Milo Djukanovic. after 30 years.
