Politika Online – Markovic: The Freedom of Religion Act influenced the decline in support for DPS


PODGORICA – The prime minister of Montenegro and the head of the list of the Democratic Party of Socialists, Dusko Markovic, said that the Law on Religious Freedom significantly influenced the drop in support for the DPS in parliamentary elections and announced personnel changes in the party .

Markovic told Montenegro Television that the DPS began to pass this law with the best of intentions, in order to resolve another open issue, because they intended to regulate freedom of religion and the equal legal position of religious communities.

“We have been warned that it is not prudent to pass such difficult laws in an election year, but we think that inherited problems should not be transferred to the next government. That law is only unfair because it abolished the monopoly of the Serbian Orthodox Church, “said Markovic.

Markovic said that the Serbian Orthodox Church was a key political actor who not only fought against the law, but also interfered in the electoral process and the formation of the opposition list.

“We had an inappropriate situation, unprecedented in the world. An institutional media campaign was launched for these structures in Montenegro, and we had litigation that lasted a full eight months. The Serbian Orthodox Church included its priests in the electoral campaign, threatened, cursed the voters of the DPS and cursed the generations of those who would vote for this law. An unprecedented environment, an attack on the free will of citizens, and the only democratic thing in this process was the day of the elections, in which the turnout was high ”, emphasized Markovic.

He also pointed out that his party confirmed its democratic capacity by acknowledging the election results, and that in this way it was confirmed that the assertions of opponents that the DPS could not lose the elections in a democratic environment were incorrect, but that it would defend the government with all your strength.

Markovic said that he did not expect this law to be manipulated in this way, and that a large number of citizens believed the accusations of the Serbian Orthodox Church, which was reflected in the result of the elections.

“We were surprised at one point. We knew that the Serbian Orthodox Church would be against the law, a dialogue was held with the leadership of the Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Litoral, to convince them that there was no hidden intention, but the need of the State to fix relations with the Church, but unfortunately broader interests were above the national and state, “he added. he.

Markovic noted that the DPS has been under constant attack for several years during the electoral process.

“I must say that we did not find the best answers to these propaganda attacks.” I agree with everyone that these scandals have undermined our reputation, damaged our political rating and several voters must have turned against us, “Markovic said, reports Beta.

He said that there were errors in the personnel policy, which were painful, but they could not detract from the importance and quality of the huge number of professionals and professionals of the state administration who, as he says, contributed to modern and European Montenegro.

He also announced personnel changes in the party that will follow after a full analysis of the election results. They are, as you said, provided by legal documents.

“We have great support from the public, but this result is below our expectations and that is why personnel changes are needed. I don’t think this is just a key theme of the party, we, as an opposition party, will have the opportunity to act differently, to make the ethical characteristics of the party more pronounced, “added Markovic.

He noted that the goal of DPS policy is to return to power in the next elections.

Markovic said that it was good for Montenegro to get a new parliament and government as soon as possible, but that the democratic capacity of the new government has not yet been seen.

He hopes for good cooperation between the new government and President Milo Djukanovic.

“The new government and the president must cooperate. The position of President Djukanovic is that he does not intend to hinder the work of the new government, but to contribute to its functionality and efficiency. I also believe that the new government will ensure quality cooperation with the state president. Insisting on their turn are hysterical demands, “Markovic emphasized.

He advised political opponents not to bid for Djukanovic’s political power, calling it “indisputable”.

The DPS won 30 seats in the elections and is individually the strongest party, but does not have a majority to form a government. Negotiations are underway between three coalitions that have won a total of 41 seats to form a new government.
