Politika Online – Madeleine Albright: Not everything in Serbia is negative


WASHINGTON – The United States must show what its expectations are when it comes to Serbian-American relations, former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said Tuesday at the end of the so-called hearings in the House Foreign Policy Committee and “recalled” that the United States has the economic and diplomatic instruments to influence that.

When asked how the United States could regain a significant role and influence in the Western Balkans, especially with regard to the Belgrade-Pristina negotiations, Albright said the new US administration must take into account that, as stated, not all in Serbia they agree with the policy and movements made by the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić.

“If we say that the US government is for something, then it matters. An important part of our job is to tell them clearly that they cannot be part of the EU, if they continue to do what they do, the way they do. The United States would have to show what its expectations of Serbian-American relations are. We must understand that there are forces in Serbia that want better relations with the United States. Not everything in Serbia is negative. They want to be treated differently, and we have the instruments. economic and diplomatic to influence that, “Albright said, ending his presentation with a clear message, Tanjug reported.
