Politika Online – How many wills did Metropolitan Amfilohije leave?


From our permanent correspondent
Podgorica – Some believe that Metropolitan Amfilohije abandoned his vote, others are inclined to deny it, while people are looking forward to hearing the voice of Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Litoral, that is, Serbian Patriarch Irinej.

The media already speculate that Blessed Metropolitan Amfilohije left his will, while the Cetinje Metropolitanate de Montenegro y el Litoral (MCP) announces that “there is no metropolitan will, if we speak of a binding legacy in general for the entire Church and the people” .

The rector of the Cetinje seminary, Gojko Perović, told “Politika” that “there is no metropolitan will, if we are talking about a binding will that concerns the whole Church and the people.” “If it did, it would be announced by the church administration and the administration of the Metropolitanate or at a higher level by the Holy Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church, and prior to that, the reading would certainly not be the subject of announcements and speculation in the media, “says Perovic, adding that he does not rule out communication. on a personal and family level with some of the believers and that he left him a will regarding his personal and family life.

Rector Perović concludes that the Metropolitan left his will in the form of his 30-year pastoral work, which was full of faith, love and hope, and that this is his legacy and a clear path on how and where to go. However, MCP lawyer Dalibor Kavarić confirms for “Politika” that the late Metropolitan Amfilohije left his own act of the last declaration of will in writing. “Some call it a testament, testament, testament and the like, but without a doubt it is an act of last will, which is essentially a will of the Montenegrin metropolitan. This is not only not strange, but it is completely common, expected and regular. So did all of our glorious metropolitans and bishops. And we still live today and use the undying lessons of some of them, like the will of Saint Peter of Cetinje, “said Kavarić.

He explains that he cannot reveal details, because “in the case of a will and legacy of any priest, especially a bishop, there are certain internal, ecclesiastical rules, which imply the formation of a commission that lists all the legacies, including written wills.” . “In the end, the part of the will that refers to them is communicated to those who it refers to, and to the believers and citizens, so it will also be done in this case,” says the lawyer. Note that there was only one exception in this case. That is, as in the days before and at the time of the death of the Metropolitan there was a very difficult situation in the country, and as the absence of the bishop could endanger vital social and ecclesiastical interests with long-term damaging consequences, I am a attorney and representative of the Church. , with all the consequences I accepted, I was ready to read the will live and publicly on the Montenegrin state television of the part in which everyone asks for agreement and seriousness in the current social moment when the situation was very difficult and threatened to escalate “., says Kavarić.

He claims that RTCG was afraid to publish the will and that they asked them to send them a written request from the Metropolitan “that they actually wanted to selectively take from him what they would use to the detriment of the Church.”

“Of course I refused. As the patriarch and administrator of our diocese, Monsignor Joanikije, became ill in the meantime and the general situation of society improved, I left everything in agreement with the competent bishop until his recovery and according to his instructions,” he explains.

However, the MCP lawyer gave “Politika” some details of the metropolitan’s will, but did not have the permission of the competent archbishops. “I can testify to you with certainty that Metropolitan Amfilohije does not question the unity, the canonical and constitutional order of the SOC, the hierarchy of ecclesiastical bodies, the form of decision-making and the procedures prescribed by the SOC constitution anywhere in the will or nowhere in the will. ” That is why I categorically reject any other public allegation, speculation and speculation in this regard, absolutely, factually, materially, as inaccurate, slanderous and malicious in order to undermine the greatness of the Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Litoral and his great feats. “Until his last hour and last breath, our bishop remained faithful to the unity and constitutional order of the Serbian Orthodox Church, and that is the only and holy truth,” says Kavarić.

On that occasion, businessman Miodrag Daka Davidović also spoke out and announced that Metropolitan Amfilohije allegedly left four legacies. First, rebuild the residence of Saint Basil of Ostrog; others, to restore the chapel of Patriarch Gavril Dožić in Morački Vrujci; the third, to build a memorial house for Patriarch Varnava Rosić, and the fourth, in which he defiantly defended the shrines, to rebuild the Pljevlja mosque. In the end, it is almost incomprehensible that among those legacies there is no one who has publicly announced hundreds of times: the return of the Church of St. Peter of Cetinje, known as the Njegoš Chapel, to Lovćen.
