Politika Online – How dangerous is the march of the Serbian rightists


In the last ten days, terrorist acts were recorded in France and Austria in which civilians were killed, and on right-wing social networks it could be read that behind them were migrants, some of whom allegedly crossed the Balkan route through Serbia . Although these accusations were denied, sentiment among right-wing Serbs only intensified that the borders for migrants should be closed. Commenting on these speculations, sociologist Vladimir Vuletic told “Politika” that terrorist acts in Western Europe have nothing to do with migrants and rejects speculation by right-wing sites that these are people who passed through Serbia.

“Obviously it is a skillful and related activity that is calculated to destabilize Western countries, and when we add to that that movement is limited due to the pandemic, we come to the conclusion that the goal of these attacks is to increase fear.” There is no doubt that the consequences of terrorist acts will be exploited by everyone, mainly right-wing groups in our country that are opposed to migrants, but also those who will try to gain some benefit in some way. The fear that spreads in this way will undoubtedly blow the wind on the Serbian extremists, “says Vuletić.

It affirms that the right granted by certain self-organized groups to restrict freedom of movement must be sanctioned very severely, because the State is the only one that has the right to a monopoly of force. He hopes that our security services will see to it that similar terrorist acts do not occur in Serbia, but also that the extremists do not have a reason and an opportunity for some clashes, because that increases the additional tension.

Migrants, the harmful impact of the coronavirus vaccine, which is not yet on the market, the World Health Organization and the devastating impact of the 5G network on human health are the most common topics among political parties and movements. far right in Serbia. The economic crisis that has put hundreds of millions of people out of work around the world and the fear that the recession will affect our country are fertile ground for manipulative groups that offer instant solutions through social networks, accusing the government and to the opposition of being part of a global conspiracy. the goal is to destroy the Serbs and Orthodoxy.

In the last six months, the far right has endangered the safety of citizens by playing one of the leading roles in organizing destructive demonstrations in early July, opposing announced measures to suppress the pandemic. In Vojvodina and Belgrade, these movements organize so-called popular patrols directed against migrants and refugees in Serbia. They also break into actual incidents at plays and exhibitions. The “Mirdita, good morning” festival was also targeted, and attacks on Roma often go unnoticed by the media.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic also spoke about the strengthening of far-right movements at a press conference on May 11, when he said that he was very scared and worried, that it had nothing to do with SNS or SzS, because it was I noticed that they were tremendously strengthening the extreme right. movements in our country, with some crazy ideas. He warned again about the seriousness of the situation twenty days ago, when he affirmed that public opinion polls show that now some parties and movements that are against vaccination, the strict measures of the crown and migrants would win more than three percent cent in elections.

“To my great surprise, Radulović’s party would enter parliament if it continued to adhere to the policy that the country is a flat plate, against vaccination and the crown. There are other movements that have achieved growth for reasons that do not suit me. clear, and that’s 250 percent. I recognize the political reality and we have to deal with this problem to reduce the hatred among the people, “Vučić said.

The first serious incident this year was recorded on the last day of the state of emergency in Serbia on May 6, when Filip R. his car crashed into the Migrant Reception Center in Obrenovac, which was provided by the Serbian army. In a live broadcast on social networks, he made racist insults at the expense of migrants. Three days later, extremists marched through central Belgrade on May 9, when the whole world was celebrating Victory Over Fascism Day in World War II. At that time, a group of more than a thousand people, among other things, chanted “Out with the migrants”, and in that protest march calls were heard against the 5G internet network, which is presumably the cause of the spread of kovid 19 and compulsory vaccination of children. The procession was led by former MP Srdjan Nogo, which was not a surprise because he declared in a YouTube program that if Prime Minister Ana Brnabic signed the Dublin Agreement with the EU on the acceptance of 1.2 million immigrants in Serbia , “They should be hung at the same time in Terazije, and next to her is Aleksandar Vučić. Although the Prime Minister explained that Serbia cannot sign the Dublin Agreement, considering that it is not a member of the EU, Nogo repeated this statement on March 17 this year, accusing the migrants of being carriers of the corona virus.

“Imagine how many migrants are infected with the corona virus.” And now we have to free the migrants, “Nogo said.

Vladimir Vuletić claims that this is an irrational view of reality and a response to the contemporary crisis that is sought in fantasy conspiracy theories. He claims that extremists play on human fears in which they seek motivation and promotion of their extreme ideas through which they easily reach all levels of human consciousness.

“They seek mobilization among all people who are afraid of the situation that surrounds us and when it comes to pandemics, migrants and some other reasons. Everything that is happening in the West and in our country is related to the general situation, because the area of ​​fears is ideal for promoting various irrational ideas and mobilizing people who are generally more unstable. This is a key challenge that the State will face, but also the whole of society. If the state fails to repress that, trust in it will inevitably be lost and thus even more such groups will flourish in Serbia, “says Vuletić.

To combat the problem of right-wing extremism, it is necessary for state institutions to explain to the people exactly what is happening, what the plans are, and what exactly the state will do with regard to migrants and the pandemic. In addition, it seems strange that in the 21st century groups are being created through social networks that openly advocate the destruction of mobile antennas, because 5G networks, according to their interpretations, are the cause of all misfortunes.

“The extremists do not offer any solution, they are slogans and messages that must mobilize the people, that they must be against order, that they must guarantee people’s safety. These are the ones for whom this order does not suit for some reason, and they are mainly highly educated people who consciously manipulate labile people who feel existential insecurity ”, concludes Vladimir Vuletić.
