Politika Online – Higher property tax next year


For a 50-square-meter apartment in the first 10-year-old area of ​​Novi Sad, where the taxpayer lives, the property tax this year amounted to 9,806.74 dinars, and next year it will be higher by 231.64 dinars. The tax for this type of property in 2021 will amount to 10,038.38 dinars.

The Tax Administration of Novi Sad says that the minimum growth of the tax liability in the nominal amount for next year is evident, especially if we take into account the obligation to pay quarterly taxes.

– Comparing the average prices per square meter for 2020 and determined for 2021, it follows that for next year, with respect to this year, the market price of apartments by zones increased by 3.5 percent in the first zone, 3.80 per percent in the second zone and 4, 93 percent in the third zone. In addition, for 2021 the depreciation rate will be taken into account as a corrective element, which amounts to 0.8 percent per year of the building’s age. The property tax will be almost identical in relation to 2020 – they say to “Politika” in the Tax Administration of Novi Sad.

The largest cities in Serbia will try to make up for the lack of money in local budgets by increasing property taxes. It may be too early to estimate exactly how much this tax will increase (because it also depends on the depreciation rate), but judging by the basic parameter: the tax base, that is, the value of a square meter of housing, the tax on Property in some parts of Belgrade could be six percent higher, while, for example, Kragujevac predicted an increase in both tax rates and bases.

As every year before the end of the current year, the average price per square meter is determined on the basis of the prices made in the invoicing of the appropriate properties by zones in the period from January 1 to September 30 of the previous year per year for which the property tax is determined.

– Considering that there was no significant change in the average prices per square meter of the appropriate properties determined by the decision to determine the property tax for 2021 in relation to 2020, and taking into account that the tax calculation is affected by a reduction based on depreciation of one percent per year, Taxpayers can expect a slight change in the calculation of the annual property tax next year, they say in the Secretary of Public Revenue of Belgrade.

The value of the residential square in the additional commercial zone is estimated at 206,838 dinars, which is 11,786 dinars more than in this year’s property tax decision. One square meter in the additional housing area is estimated at 219,402 dinars, while in 2020 it was worth 213,395 dinars. The value of a square meter of apartment in the first area for 2020 was 190,091, and for the next it will be 199,942, which is 5.18 percent more.

There have been minor changes in the valuation of houses by zone, and there are parts of the city where citizens who own such facilities will pay even lower property taxes. In the extra zone, a square meter of house is estimated at 175,093 dinars, which is 526 dinars more than the previous year, while in the fourth zone, a square meter of house is estimated at 69,059 dinars, two percent less than in the 2020 tax solution.

Nenad Stanisic, a member of the Kragujevac municipal finance council, says that the property tax rate on natural persons has increased from 0.3 to 0.4 percent.

– With the decision to determine the average prices per square meter of property for the determination of the property tax for 2021, the prices were corrected based on the real estate invoicing carried out in the city of Kragujevac, so that, depending on the type of property and the area in which the property is located, some prices increased and others decreased compared to last year. The range of changes in the average price per square meter of houses and apartments varies from minus nine percent for apartments in the third and fourth zones, to plus 5.6 percent for houses in the extra zone, Stanisic says.

Incidentally, Kragujevac is one of the few cities that did not take advantage of the opportunity and initially increased the tax rate to 0.4 percent, as much as allowed by the Property Tax Law. Kragujevac Mayor Nikola Dasic said in the local parliament that he is fully aware that this is a difficult and politically unpopular measure, but one that is necessary due to the development of the city. It is estimated that with this measure, the city’s budget revenue will increase by 140 million dinars per year.
