Politika Online – Gojković: The “Pfizer” vaccine meets all prescribed standards


The Vojvodina health secretary and member of the crisis staff for the control of infectious diseases, kovid-19 Zoran Gojković, declared today that the first contingent of “Pfizer” vaccines will arrive in Serbia by the end of the year, the importation of which, he said. , was approved by the Serbian Medicines Agency in accordance with national legislation.

Gojković told TV Pink that two days ago, the Agency issued a permit for the importation of the “Pfizer” vaccine, which, he says, meets all prescribed standards regarding safety and applicability.

“It remains to be seen whether the first series, which will arrive, is in accordance with the documentation that ‘Pfizer’ sent,” Gojković said.

Later, as he himself says, vaccination will begin, and priority will be given to users of nursing homes.

“We continue with the practice that began around the world that those who are most at risk and who may have the most serious complications from infection will be the first to receive the vaccine. This is how vaccination started in England and America, ”Gojković said, reports Tanjug.

Commenting on the crowds at the border crossings at the entrance to Serbia, he said that not only Serbian citizens were in question, but it was passenger transit through Serbia, which intensified over the weekend.

“Only those who are not in transit, those who come to Serbia will be checked. We have accurate records of who enters and leaves the country,” Gojković said.
