Politika Online – From the border to the Kovid ambulance


Citizens of Serbia returning from European countries from Friday at 6pm will be placed under some kind of mandatory supervision. In reality, this means that when they return to the country, they must report to the kovid clinic of the health center they belong to within 24 hours. That decision was made yesterday after the session of the Crisis General Staff for the suppression of kovid 19 in order to avoid the risk of transmitting the crown.

As Professor Dr. Branislav Tiodorović, an epidemiologist and member of the crisis staff, points out for “Politika”, if someone turns a deaf ear to this measure and does not show up in Kovid’s ambulance, they are committing an offense, which will be punished. The sanitary inspection will take care of that. They will have an idea of ​​the data on which citizens responded and who did not. The Kovid ambulance will have a kind of ground zero where these people will appear, so as not to mix with those who come with corona symptoms. They will give information to health workers about where they traveled, how long they were on the road, how they feel, if they had any problems …

– The supervision is preventive in nature and lasts for 10 days. In this way, we influence people’s self-awareness and responsibility. But you should know that it is obliged. Citizens will receive a notification about supervision and rules at border crossings when entering the country, says our interlocutor.

We think that in this way we would toughen the measures a bit and force people to have to contact the health services. If someone turns a deaf ear to this measure, they will commit an offense. When you arrive at the Kovid clinic, the doctor will see what the person’s health is. If he has any problems, he goes to other exams and tests, and if he is well, he returns home. The new measure has been mitigated considerably compared to what we might have thought would be introduced. This is especially important for returnees from Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania, where many of our citizens spend their summers – says our interlocutor.

An estimated 75,000 people are currently on vacation outside of Serbia. Dr. Tiodorović points out that he does not know the exact number, but that many did not go through travel agencies but under his own direction.

The question that arises is why the new measure did not take effect yesterday and how people coming to Serbia should behave in the next three days.

– If they have problems, these people should contact a doctor immediately. We gave people a few days so they could go back to the old rules. That is a temporary measure. Also, if the situation worsens, we will introduce new measures, which will be stricter. This could mean that we would introduce mandatory PCR tests at the crown for our citizens when they return to the country. If there is no test, you will have to undergo a mandatory test regardless of whether there is a problem or not. On the other hand, if the situation improves, the measures will be relaxed, said Dr. Tiodorović.

Prof. Dr. Darija Kisić Tepavčević, deputy director of the Institute of Public Health and a member of the crisis staff, called on all citizens to return to Serbia on Friday, because after that, supervision will begin, which does not include quarantine or self-isolation. She did not specify the exact way the monitoring will take place, saying it will be defined and published in the coming days.

– Surveillance will imply a certain dynamic of reporting to the corresponding health services, with the aim of controlling the possible introduction of the virus in our country. The crisis headquarters made that decision due to the increase in the number of infected in the region, but also in all European countries, since the end of August. Montenegro is the third most common disease in Europe and as such poses a risk, and the number of infected is increasing in our country, given that a large number of our citizens reside in that neighboring country. Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina also feature prominently. We mention this because a large number of our citizens are in those countries. There was a slight increase in the number of infected people in our country in relation to the previous weeks, which was a sign that the crisis personnel must take more measures so that the situation does not get worse – emphasized Dr. Kisić Tepavčević.

He explained that the current epidemiological situation in our country is favorable, but that the citizens of the aforementioned countries represent a danger for the spread of the infection. In his opinion, our health system has shown in the past period how much it can work in emergency circumstances, and now it is very ready and has a large enough capacity if the number of patients increases.
