Politika Online – Don’t listen to salon doctors, this is worse than Spanish fever


Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Ivo Udovicic, commander of VMC Karaburrma, appealed to the public today to understand the severity of the coronavirus and the seriousness of the situation, adding that the disease caused by the coronavirus is more serious than Spanish fever. .

“Don’t listen to the salon doctors, there is no cure for this disease,” Udovicic warned.

He noted that 130 kovid patients are currently being treated at the Karaburma military hospital, of whom 14 are in intensive care and seven have been intubated and are in serious general condition.

Udovicic said that the clinical picture of the patients is the same as in April or July, but that now the numbers are 10 times higher, especially for difficult patients.

Udovicic says that in the past ten days, a large number of newly ill covid patients have been in the Karaburma military prison, and that the hospital was forced to discharge patients earlier than expected.

“A part of the patients goes to temporary facilities, such as fairs and spas, and a part is sent for home treatment,” says Udovicic, reports Tanjug.

It emphasizes that kovid-19 is a very serious disease, that such a virus never existed and that Spanish fever was not like that either.

“It leaves a trauma to all of us, and especially to the family. We have a large number of old and young people who die. There is only one vaccine that can stop this epidemic and nothing else,” said Udovicic, noting that the distance measures , the use of a mask and hand washing work.

Udovicic says that the Karaburma hospital has many problems in its work, because a good part of the health personnel is infected, both from the Military Medical Academy and the civil system.

“At one point, we had 15 doctors in treatment, both from the Military Medical Academy and the surrounding areas. The hardest part is when you treat someone you know well, who worked with you in the kovid system, who is close to you. Everything. that should survive, “Udovicic said.

He called young people to account during the next vacation, because, he says, of their parents, grandmothers and grandparents.
