Politika Online – Dijana Hrkalović was not tested on a polygraph


Dijana Hrkalovic, former Secretary of State of the Serbian Ministry of the Interior, was interrogated in the Organized Crime Service (SBPOK) as part of an investigation by the Organized Crime Prosecutor’s Office against Veljko Belivuk, better known as Velja Nevolja, and members of her organization criminal. and in connection with the wiretapping of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić. Hrkalović was questioned for three hours, attended by lawyers Nenad Tasić and Ahmed Delimedjac from Sead Spahović’s office.

– Dijana Hrkalović was cited as a citizen and not as a suspect, and provided the information requested. He was asked about the circumstances surrounding the threat to President Vučić, in connection with reports in the media that a kidnapping or murder of him was being prepared. He answered all the questions and insisted on going to the polygraph. However, she was not subjected to this method of examination, because she is ill and is taking certain medications that can interfere with the polygraph, so it has been postponed, lawyer Ahmed Delimedjac told “Politika”.

He explained that the procedure is such that when the polygraph examiner arrives, he immediately asks if the citizen is taking medication, if he is tired or has any injury, and in this case, this examination method was postponed by medication.

It is not yet known whether Dijana Hrkalović will subsequently be summoned for a polygraph examination.

According to unofficial information, the inspectors were interested in the relationship between the former secretary of state and Belivuk and Darko Elez, the designated leader of one of the criminal groups in the Balkans. Although she was not questioned as a suspect, Hrkalović arrived at SBPOK accompanied by two lawyers.

The Belgrade media also unofficially reported that Diana Hrkalović’s medical documentation was found in the car of the recently arrested leader of the “Alcatraz” fan group, Damjan Šobić.

According to these allegations, the vehicle in which the documents were found, Šobić received as a gift from fans and the alleged drug trafficker, a certain V. В. According to the media, because of him, the secretary of state issued orders to the police to release him several times during 2018, despite the fact that he was detained in an “Audi A-8” with a weapon with a number removed.

Diana Hrkalović was also interrogated at SBPOK in late January. She was then questioned about the circumstances of the illegal wiretapping of President Aleksandar Vučić and members of his family and their contacts with criminals. To the general surprise of members of the police, Hrkalović later rejected the polygraph test at the time they were supposed to connect her to the polygraph.
