Politika Online – Croatian Community in Serbia: we do not glorify the NDH, we are exposed to interpretive terror


SUBOTICA – Unfortunately, the Croatian community in Serbia is again exposed to interpretive terror, in such a way that certain contents of the media articles are not only out of context but even false, says the president of the Croatian National Council (HNV) Jasna Vojnić in a statement for Tanjug.

He also notes that “the Croatian language teaching and learning program and textbook for eighth grade were approved by the Republic of Serbia”, so, as he points out, “if the approval procedure has passed, there certainly is no nothing debatable. “

Speaking about the controversial Croatian language class that was shown on the RTV show as part of the television classes, Vojnić says that “the development of the Croatian language through history” was discussed in that class.

In a statement to Tanjug, he quoted the teacher who taught a Croatian language class and stated that it was said: “As for the third period 41-45, we speak of Croatia as an independent State of Croatia concerned with cleaning and use suitable audience. Croatian language and spelling. “

“So the NDH was mentioned only in the context of the period in which the language was developing. There is no glorification of the Independent State of Croatia,” says Vojnić, reports Tanjug.

She compares the written media on this subject to the “deaf phone game”.

“The first published news was partially correct, something was added to each one and in the end it turned out that the Croatian community in Serbia glorifies the HND and that the Serbian language is being minimized.” “Classic spinning, which, unfortunately, we often witness,” says Vojnić.

She notes that the original video was removed entirely from the Internet, “so that the actual situation cannot be established.”

HNV expects the institutions of the Republic of Serbia to condemn, as they say, the now continuous, negative and incorrect media representation of the Croatian community in Serbia.

“We hope that the Republic of Serbia will protect us and finally start promoting positive processes and achievements of our community in the media,” the HNV president told Tanjug.
