Politika Online – Coronavirus conspiracy theories: from splintering the people to eliminating the elderly


Whoever receives the Russian “Sputnik” vaccine against the corona virus will not be able to enter the European Union – read the latest conspiracy theory, which has traveled the world at the speed of light through social networks. The pandemic, which began with the story that the corona was a fictitious diagnosis and continued with conspiracy theories that the corona virus escaped from the lab and that Bill Gates used the virus to “push” the vaccine with a microchip that can track humans, gained new dimensions. Apart from the idea that vaccines contain microchips, the conspirators also seek the theory that the vaccine changes our genetic code, that in fact we will get covid, and that this vaccine is in the service of “eliminating” the elderly, because It has been announced that the elderly and gerontologists first receive the vaccine.

A survey conducted in October by the Atlantic Council and the Washington-based Balkan Public Policy Advisory Group in Europe found that three-quarters of respondents in the Western Balkans believe in one of the conspiracy theories regarding the kovid 19, a much higher percentage than in other parts of Europe. The results of this study also show that 41.5 percent of the Serbian population believe in conspiracy theories.

Most Serbs believe that pharmacomafia is involved in the spread of the virus, a third of citizens believe that the Chinese government produced the virus in the laboratory, that is, that the virus escaped from the Wuhan laboratory, somewhat less believe that Bill Gates is responsible for the virus. Serbian citizens believe least that there is a link between 5G technology and kovid 19. The results of this study also show that 33 percent of Serbian citizens will not receive the vaccine, a fifth said they will be vaccinated and the number of people likely to be vaccinated is also 20 percent. This is a direct impact of conspiracy theories on public health policy, “said Florian Bieber, director of the Center for Southeast European Studies at the University of Graz.

In mid-September, as a reminder, a conspiracy theory was “spread” on social media that the family of the deceased was offered 70,000 dinars if doctors agreed to write that he had died of the crown. Although according to the Health Law, only a doctor can determine the exact cause and time of death, and in the event of dying from infectious diseases, relatives cannot come into physical contact with a doctor, a large number of our fellow citizens they believed the corona diagnostic was for sale.

Dalibor Petrovic, a professor in the Department of Sociology at the Belgrade Faculty of Philosophy, is not surprised by the emergence of new conspiracy theories triggered by the crown crisis and recalls that due to this pandemic, our lives have been turned away from all definitions of normality for almost a year.

“Major social crises are fertile ground for conspiracy theories to flourish, and this crisis has been going on for too long and we must understand its causes and bring life under control. That is why we cling to any explanation that contains a shred of it. logic. For example, if we believe that it is a laboratory virus, we have identified the cause, we can direct our aggression towards an imaginary laboratory and we get an idea of ​​how to fight the virus. By finding the ‘culprit’, we also find hope that the culprit one day is exposed, and our life returns to normal ”, explains our interlocutor.

One of the reasons, Petrovic adds, why some people believe conspiracy theories more than scientific explanations is that science often gives complex and ambiguous answers. There are often contradictions in scientific texts: ten texts can be found at any one time that explain why masks do not protect against the corona virus and many texts speak in favor of the thesis that masks protect against kovid 19. On the other hand On the other hand, conspiracy theorists offer clear and unequivocal explanations. An additional problem is the fact that many scientific texts are interpreted by the mass media in a sensational, superficial and simplified way, to “click” on them as much as possible.

“Even doctors are not averse to dealing with a conspiracy theory. In our country, some doctors said that the virus originated in the laboratory, which is one of the key arguments of the ‘conspirators’ who say that the laboratory workers either’ played ‘or deliberately released the virus for superior economic interests or’ genocide ‘of older people. Unfortunately, this thesis profoundly undermines our faith in modern civilization; if we have come to not believe in the scientist, this doubt undermines the foundations of the modern world in which we live ”, affirms our interlocutor resigned.

Commenting on the theory that vaccination with a Russian or Chinese vaccine will be an obstacle to entering the EU, he says that every conspiracy theory contains grains of logical thought.

“It is realistic to expect that there will be some kind of electronic ‘health passport’ containing a list of vaccines received – if they are not registered in Europe or if we do not have antibodies against kovid 19, there is a possibility that a negative PCR will still be needed for enter the EU. test. China has decided to control the epidemic by quarantining every building, every neighborhood, every city and province where the virus appears. There is a possibility that Europe will control the possibility of ‘entry’ of the virus through passports toilets ”, concludes Dalibor Petrović.
