Politika Online: Cells Ready for Thaci and Ten KLA Commanders


The accusations announced against Hashim Thaci and Kadri Veseli for October 24 are sure to further fuel the already heated political situation in Kosovo, which could lead to early parliamentary elections. Dissatisfied to be held accountable in Special Court for their criminal activities, KLA veterans threaten and hint at riots. A commentary in the London daily “Guardian” claims that the initiation of the long-delayed legal proceedings could have a significant impact on Kosovo and on the tense relations between Belgrade and Pristina.

Last week, the Special Court ordered the arrest of three influential former members of the terrorist KLA. These are the head of the KLA veterans association, Hisni Gucati, his deputy Nasim Haradinaj and Salih Mustafa, and almost all of them have stated that they do not recognize the court in The Hague. Demo Berisha, president of Matica Albanians of Serbia, hopes that charges will be brought against the KLA’s senior staff, which includes 11 people, including Thaci and Veseli, and that legal proceedings will be launched against them. He tells “Politika” that the only question is whether they will go there voluntarily or will they have to be detained. “You can expect that there will be minor riots, but that there will be riots that will cover all of Kosovo, I don’t believe in that. In Pristina, they are aware of the facts of the system they are in and what the consequences would be for those who would organize something like this, ”says Berisha.

That the work of the Special Court is dangerous for the KLA terrorists is also demonstrated by the fact that Pristina demanded in early September that one of the points of the Washington agreement be its abolition. This was rejected by representatives of the US administration, because the crimes of which the KLA members are accused, including trafficking in human organs, are too serious to ignore. Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic hopes the next step will be to arrest Hashim Thaci, and the question is whether he will be convicted. Remember that you are sure that the news about the accusation was not published by the Europeans and that it occurred a few days before the meeting in Washington.

“The head of that court is an American.” The US administration could not afford to have someone sign the agreement and be arrested as a war criminal for a few days, “Dacic said, recalling that Pristina sent a letter to the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on November 1 last year, which, she says, called for the abolition of the Special Court in The Hague or an ambush in Kosovo and Metohija.

Furthermore, the US ambassador in Pristina, Philip Cosnet, said that anyone who says that the mandate of the Special Court has expired is wrong. The American diplomat affirms that in his opinion and the opinion of many jurists in Kosovo and abroad, the mandate of the Special Court has not expired and it is not necessary to take initiatives for its continuation. He stressed that he did not expect unrest in Kosovo as a result of the recent arrests of the leaders of the KLA Veterans Organization, Hisni Gucati and Nasim Haradinaj, and stressed that justice is important, “Koha” reports. “It is important that the court stay to do its job,” Kosnet said.

The seriousness of the announcements that former KLA commanders, many of whom are now actively involved in Pristina’s political life, will be arrested is confirmed by the fact that, in addition to members of this paramilitary terrorist formation, some actors were of the so-called Kosovo have begun to question the work of the prosecution. . Around the same time that Croatia demonstrated within the EU that it understands the Kosovar Albanians’ frustrations over the abolition of the Special Court, assessing that it was politicized, American security expert Daniel Server, who openly supports Albanians, said in his comment on the court’s job than a “pro-Serbian” court.

Foreign policy commentator Nemanja Starovic says that since the first indictments were published, and after an unacceptably long five years since the specialized court was established, a very high level of nervousness has been noted, both among the influential and powerful members of that court. terrorist organization as among the exponents. your interests in the international arena. For “Politika”, she estimates that the attitudes of people like Daniel Server cannot be a surprise and that their attacks on the Special Court and the defense of the so-called leader. The KLA actually reflects a deep disdain for the Kosovo and Metohija Albanians themselves, who they believe deserve nothing better than to be led by war criminals and criminal clans dressed in political spirit.

“The process of purging the political scene in Pristina is still inevitable and the next trials of the leaders of the so-called The KLA, regardless of all the manipulations and delays, will lead to that result. But now that such a result is known, it is of expect the political-criminal structures that govern Kosovo to radicalize their actions, in an attempt to maintain control even against the will of the international actors who brought them to power two decades ago. “The outbreak of a serious political crisis cannot be ruled out in Pristina, nor the start of riots that, as a rule, will eventually escalate into violence against Serbs and other non-Albanians, “Starovic said.

Frustration over the failure of the “Independent Kosovo” project

A member of the leadership of the Self-Determination Movement and former Justice Minister Albuljena Hadziu, as a guest on T7 Pristina television, asked how and where 60,000 war veterans are now, when, according to her, there were 20,000 just a few years ago. An additional problem in Kosovo is high unemployment, political instability and frustration over the failure of the independent Kosovo project. That is one of the reasons why political analysts in the province believe that Thaci’s arrest could be the trigger for new elections. Demo Berisha does not agree with that, that he does not wait for elections, but indicates that there will be a recomposition of the political scene. She says negotiations are underway and she hopes that the Kosovo Democratic Party will take its place in the new government, whose political leaders Thaci and Veseli will have to dedicate the next term to defense in court. “DPK will not allow itself to be left without power, because they have it through President Thaci.” Whether it is agreed that he will have the position of president in the future or that he will obtain the position of prime minister is a matter of political agreements “, estimates Demo Berisha .
