Politika Online – Accusations and counter-accusations in the “UV lamp affair”


Nis – The issue of the “ultraviolet lamp” in Nis, which exploded earlier this week, does not subside, when several Nis women accused and blamed the Health Center of suffering vision damage from ultraviolet lamps while they were examined in surgeries of this health institution. One of them says “that he temporarily lost his sight,” noting that “it was officially confirmed by subsequent examinations at the Ophthalmology Clinic of the Nis Clinical Center.” The other two residents of Nis assure “that they stayed in the Kovid Children’s room of the Health Center and in the room where the UV lamp was turned on, where they waited for their children to be tested”, and they point out that “now they are better, but they still treat the problem of redness. ” In the eyes “.

It is true that there are ultraviolet lamps and from time to time they are used in the Nis Health Center, Prof. told “Politika”. Dr. Milorad Jerkan, director of the institution, but also added “that this is the only truth in this fabricated matter”:

– The whole thing was manufactured and we have no doubt that behind it is the lobby of the private clinics, from which they want to challenge at all costs the work and the excellent results of our institution, which is the largest in primary health care in Serbia, but also the most efficient in all its segments. We use UV lamps, it is true, but exclusively for the disinfection of spaces, and this use is strictly controlled. The lamps can only be lit by the chief doctors of our services, or with their consent by the head nurse of the Health Center department. And absolutely no one else. It has never happened that they are used when there are people in the rooms being disinfected, especially when patients are present. These are ordinary falsehoods. The lamps are turned on at night and recently due to the huge increase in the number of patients during the corona pandemic for a short period of time, only three more times a day: before and in the evening during breaks, when the rooms are empty and between the morning and afternoon shifts, that is, from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. No one. Up to five epidemiologists work in our institution, I don’t think any health institution of this type has so many experts in Serbia, and they monitor the situation in the Health Center every hour. It has never happened, or never before, that our epidemiologists allow the use of UV lamps in our space, from hallways, bathrooms, clinics and surgeries and all the others, without a complete control of the entire facility. This certainly refers to areas where UV lamps are present and I responsibly affirm that their use for disinfection purposes is the most strictly and rigorously controlled – Dr. Jerkan told us.

The director of the Nis DZ on the accusations of the patients who, he said, “received support in the eye clinic of the Nis KC”, says “that this was also fabricated and tendentious”:

– During the morning I spoke several times with the Deputy Director General of the Clinical Center, Prof. Dr. Vladan Cosic, who decidedly told me that the inspection was carried out and that it was determined that the patients who allegedly complained and asked for help for alleged harm in the sight of the UV lamps and were examined in the Ophthalmology Clinic, they were not and are not in the hospital protocols. All this shows that these are serious falsehoods and a deliberate matter – said prof. Dr. Milorad Jerkan.

In the Nis Clinical Center, on our questions about who, when and on what basis, of course and with what authorizations, they declared on the problems of visual impairment in several citizens of Nis, yesterday they strongly denied the complaints of Nis women from certain media. As we were told, “The decades-long practice of KC Nis is not to evaluate or comment on the work, situation and activities of any other health institution, and for everyone to adhere to that principle at the center.” The KC Nis spokesman, Nikola Markovic, especially pointed out “that the day before yesterday and yesterday, the inspection determined that no one from the management of the Center and the Ophthalmology Clinic gave statements to the media about the accusations of the patients, or about any problem that patients had in the Health Center “.

KC Nis has a new address today

As “Politika” finds out today, a new direction of the Nis Clinical Center will be appointed at the session of the Serbian Government. According to the information we obtained, the former director of the Nis center, prof. Dr. Zoran Radovanović will be appointed Secretary of State in the Ministry of Health, and in his place in the Nis CC will be appointed Prof. Dr. Zoran Perišić, professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Niš and a long-time cardiologist and one of the directors of the Cardiology Clinic of the Niš Center. From 2012 to 2016, Dr. Perišić was mayor of Niš. According to the same information, the deputy director of the Nis Clinical Center will be Prof. Dr. Radmilo Janković, former deputy director and director of the Anesthesia and Intensive Care Clinic.
