Politika Online – A blanket, a pillow and a “spa for six people” for five thousand dinars


Only today and you will never hear an offer like this again. Thirty percent of the price of “an expensive white blanket filled with aloe vera”, plus a free pillow and two vouchers for a stay at a spa in Serbia. And with a voucher, up to three people can travel, which is a total of six. All for just 5,000 dinars, and it would cost a total of 25,000 tomorrow, said the company representative with a strange name, which she quickly overlooked, adding that it was a “health institution.”

“Brooke is a good blanket,” he continued to persuade me as I patiently listened, then generously suggested that they offer it to someone else.

– If it’s up to the price – he says – you can pay those five thousand in installments.

– How? – Asking.

– Well, half now in cash (courier that would arrive in two hours), half in checks next month.

She didn’t manage, out of the learned text, so when I asked her how she was waiting for the next month, she said: – Through the account, I mean, I don’t know, I was confused, I guess you take her to the bank.

I smile and thank you kindly and hang up. This is the third call yesterday. I listened patiently to the three sellers to understand what it is that national buyers, who called us many times this year because they were deceived in this way, are deceived and why they accept such illogical offers.

This December, as in all previous years, similar calls are frequent before the holidays, so in the writing of “Consumer” we solved the problems of a retiree who paid almost 70,000 dinars for a vacuum cleaner, and he agreed, he says, because They gave him an expensive massager. It turned out to be cheap, Chinese.

For days we tried to find a company that supposedly sold stainless steel plates to an older reader, and then the courier brought a box containing but cheap Sherpas, the kind you could buy at the market for incomparably less money. All cases are more or less similar, the sales model is identical, cash on delivery, a courier who does not wait for the customer to check the contents of the package and a phone that is not available or no one answers, at least 14 days, that is the deadline to change the purchase. Not to mention the problems of retirees whose fees are taken from the account, so there is no way to terminate this contractual relationship.

Many years have passed since consumer protection in Serbia was implemented in accordance with regulations that are harmonized with European ones, and we are still facing such problems.

Zoran Nikolic from the National Organization for Consumer Protection of Serbia (NOPS) says that there is a problem and a basic difference between local consumers and those in developed countries.

– Buyers here do not think preventively and I must say that they do not want to learn, especially when it comes to sales outside the store. It is also about implementing regulations and protection mechanisms, however, the basic thing that they should consider when facing this type of sale is to deal with trained people who are trained to deceive them – says Nikolić.

First of all, he adds, when someone offers products much cheaper than the same in standard stores, that is the first reason for doubt. It is a sign that something is wrong, so the buyer should immediately ask if the seller who is contacting him is registered and request all the information.

– The merchant must be registered, because if he is not, then the buyer promotes the black economy and there is a high probability that he will have problems. Then think about whether you need those products, even if the offer seems tempting, take some time. A day to think, you ask the housemates. If the merchant tells you that this is the last chance, don’t be fooled and that is one reason to suspect that their intentions are not sincere. Losing the opportunity, better than being cheated – explains Zoran Nikolić.

What happens if the buyer decides to buy, how should he react and what to pay attention to? The NOPS says that in that case, you should insist on getting an invoice with all the information about the seller. You should receive a purchase waiver form along with the invoice, because you have the right to do so without explanation 14 days after purchase.

– Buying from registered traders means being sure that in case something goes wrong, the consumer can protect himself, because the law requires it. And once again, we remind you that it is important to be informed about this type of purchase. Regardless of the fact that now is a time of crisis in which fewer and fewer people are going to stores, buying outside the commercial premises carries a risk, and can be minimized with a little care – concludes Nikolić.

NOPS has published a blacklist of online retailers

The National Organization of Consumers of Serbia (NOPS) and the Vojvodina Consumer Protection Association have published a list of 98 merchants who sell on the social network “Facebook” and who are suspected of not operating in accordance with the regulations. In most cases it is about the sale of clothes and shoes, it is said in the announcement of those two organizations, and adds that they reached the list, which is not definitive, based on the checking of some merchants on “Facebook” . NOPS.

– As the turnover in e-commerce has increased, it has been noted that a large number of merchants do not sell in accordance with the law, and we note that the number of those who sell goods illegally is also growing, through social networks. The number of consumers contacting organizations regarding purchases from unregistered merchants is increasing every day, they say in NOPS.

– Unfortunately, in this situation, the provisions

Consumer protection laws are not applicable, that is, they are not valid. Therefore, consumer organizations cannot act or provide adequate legal advice, except to refer consumers to independent legal proceedings; is stated in the declaration:

and reports Tanjug.
