Politika Line – Montenegro arrested for smuggling 840 kilos of cocaine


Members of the Criminal Police Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior of Serbia detained a Montenegrin citizen Mario Lazović (42) from Kotor on an international Interpol warrant, on suspicion that he committed the crime of association for the purpose of committing a crime. As the Ministry of the Interior announced yesterday, he is suspected of being linked to the smuggling of 840 kilograms of cocaine, which was seized on the catamaran “Florida 2” in the Portuguese port of Horta in September 2018. The suspect was brought before the judge for the earlier proceedings of the Kraljevo High Court, where his extradition was ordered.

Lazovic is one of the members of the organized criminal group, which, as reported by Montenegrin media, was formed in 2018. According to the Montenegrin special prosecutor’s office, Nikica Todorovic and Damjan Vukasinovic are at the head of the criminal group. Todorovic, Ranko Stojovic, Milica Bukilic, Jovan Ercegovic, Milovan Lolo Lakovic and Darko Giljaca were arrested on March 11 and later taken to Spuz pretrial detention, while Radoje Radulovic, Damjan Vukasinovic and Zarin Karkelj continue to be searched, the Montenegrin reported. . the media.

Podgorica’s Dragana Prostran was released in late July to defend himself. She was previously arrested in the German province of Hesse on an international warrant issued on her behalf by the Interpol office in Podgorica.

At the beginning of March 2018, Todorović and Vukašinović, as suspected, organized a criminal organization, whose plan was to act internationally. The clan trafficked drugs from South America to Europe.

As stated in the order to carry out the investigation, Todorović financed the smuggling of cocaine, gave instructions on how to carry out criminal activities, “directed and coordinated the actions of other members of the group in meetings at the facilities of his car service ‘Monte Car ‘in Podgorica “.

Stojovic’s task, as it is said, was to use a forged passport in the name of Marko Rudek to become the owner of the ship “Florida 2”, which will smuggle drugs, as well as to give instructions to the crew on the smuggling of cocaine. It is suspected that, according to Todorović’s orders and instructions, Laković communicated with other members of the organization in his bar, informing them about the direction and monitoring of the execution of the criminal plan. According to the findings of the investigation, Ercegović stored and transmitted encrypted phones, and reserved the purchase of a spare nautical device for the ship, which will monitor the course of the criminal plan.

According to investigators’ suspicions, Giljača’s task was to test the use of nautical tracking devices on board with Laković and prepare him for cocaine smuggling.

For almost three years, Montenegrin investigators have been tracking an international group of smugglers suspected of drug trafficking, and the epilogue to the action was the seizure of 840 kilograms of cocaine on board. Eight suspects were also arrested, seven luxury cars, 12,500 euros, weapons and encrypted phones were seized. Six more members of the group were arrested in March this year. Previously, members of an organized criminal group were under secret surveillance. Through wiretaps and controls, the inspectors came to the proof that the criminal group has large amounts of money abroad. For example, members of the group paid 3,000 to 4,000 euros for a kilogram of cocaine in South America and sold drugs in Western Europe for 30,000 to 40,000 euros.

Some members of the criminal group had the function of transmitting messages between members and seafarers were also hired.

Among the collected evidence are the records on the accused’s border crossing, the documentation that the Montenegrin Police Administration collected through “Europol” in communication and data exchange with the police of Portugal, France, Slovenia, Croatia , Serbia. There is also a contract on the purchase of the ship “Florida 2”, account statements on payment of the purchase price, forged passports, analysis of the list of suspects and their movement in the base stations in the disputed period.
