Politics Online – What can be done in the elections in the United States?


“Hello, I am with Briden Harrington, I am 13 years old and without Joe Biden I would not talk to you now.” We met a few months ago in New Hampshire, he told me that we are in the same club because we stutter, “said the teenager in a speech on video at a Democratic convention in mid-August during the US presidential campaign. He said he was very happy when Biden admitted to him that he stuttered as a child because he later realized that it is possible for a person with this problem to come The boy’s father also appeared in this video, talking about how grateful he is to Biden, for whom his son has made significant progress in his speech.

The participation of children in political campaigns in Serbia is prohibited, and if this scenario took place in our country, in addition to official institutions, the voice of non-governmental organizations that protect children’s rights would certainly be heard, and MEPs would probably they would express concern about “child abuse in the campaign”. ”. In the United States, this move by Biden’s team won the sympathy of voters and sparked enthusiasm from all media, both electronic and print. Both the boy and the presidential candidate were celebrated as heroes. Even those who don’t support Biden in this move saw nothing controversial, but their hats off to him.

At the beginning of June, we witnessed a similar event in Serbia. The Council of the Electronic Media Regulatory Body (REM) has banned the broadcast of the pre-election video of the Serbian Progressive Party, which features the leader of that party, Aleksandar Vučić, and a six-year-old girl. The Protector of Citizens also reacted by initiating a procedure to control the legality and regularity of REM’s work, but it was soon suspended as REM did its job. Our law is clear and many consider it very strict. The Regulation on the protection of the rights of minors in the field of provision of media services prohibits “the participation of minors in the program for political purposes or in any other way to abuse that participation.”

However, every child has the right to be included in the life of the community, and that can mean inclusion in political life, they explain in the office of the Protector of Citizens. Obviously, political issues are not reserved for adults only, but children should not participate in activities that are of interest to an individual, group or party. This could be child abuse, which stems from the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the General Protocol for the Protection of Children from Abuse and Neglect.

“What the gods are allowed are not ordinary mortals,” analyst Nebojsa Krstic told Politika. The use of minors in political campaigns is inappropriate in any democracy, he adds, and in particular should be illegal in the United States, which is the cradle of democracy.

Analyst Branko Radun recalls that this is only a small and not so important segment of the dirty campaign that took place during the US elections. Remember that 17-year-old Greta Thunberg, known for her speech at the UN Summit on Climate Change, also participated actively.

That the American democratic society is governed by double standards was also demonstrated by the maneuvering of seven media outlets that interrupted the transmission of Donald Trump’s speech, who spoke about electoral theft after the elections. The broadcast of the speech of the president of one of the most powerful countries was interrupted with the explanation that he was making statements that were “obvious falsehoods”. Commenting on this event, Prime Minister Ana Brnabić stated that she was stunned by the actions of the American media. “We are witnessing something unprecedented in history. Such censorship has never been seen anywhere. Seven media outlets in the United States interrupted the broadcast with the explanation that the president was lying. That, apparently, is the address in the The world is moving. Similar things are happening in Serbia. Various groups of powerful people are trying to lay their claws on our country. “Those international elites are well connected and working from the shadows,” Brnabić said two days ago.

Nebojsa Krstic says that the censorship of the official president of the United States is the culmination of everything that the idea of ​​the existence of the media represents. The job of the media, as he himself affirms, is to transmit news and report on facts, and not to arbitrate what is true without any evidence, especially not to prevent the highest official in the country from speaking out. “Currently, something is happening in the United States that has not been noticed even in the journalistic practice of totalitarian countries. At a time when there is a suspicion of irregularity in the electoral process, journalists and editors give themselves the right to determine what is true, openly censor the statements of officials, thus practically preventing the other party from being heard . In this way, the media cease to be what its purpose is: a mediator, a news transmitter, and becomes a political entity that makes political decisions in an extremely undemocratic way. So today, in a state governed by the rule of law, like the United States, instead of the courts, the media moguls judge the disputed winner of the elections, “explains Krstić.

He adds that what happened in the elections in the United States was not recorded in the annals of that country. We saw Trump supporter Fox News “turn the game around” on Saturday and accept CNN’s narrative, beginning with the story that there is no evidence of “vote counting irregularities.” Krstic adds that it will now be interesting to see if what is true is more important or what the media has agreed to be true. “We will see who pretends to be the winner in the clash of reality and the media,” says our interlocutor.

Branko Radun is sure that the United States has lost the aura of a model of democracy. A special shadow over the electoral process, he says, was cast by violations of electoral laws and voting by mail, which made it impossible to control the identity of voters. It is already clear, as Radun says, that voting by mail opened the door to the manipulation of millions of votes, which would be absolutely unthinkable in the elections in Serbia, because in our country this right is granted only to “defenseless and disabled people” , such as people with disabilities. . At the same time, due to the escalation of the corona virus, the OSCE mission sent only 30, instead of 500 observers to the US elections, so there was no international institutional control.

“The most brutal campaign in the history of the media was carried out against Trump. And when it comes to the electoral process, there was a lot of abuse. The votes that arrived by mail could not be controlled by the Republicans, Trump was censored in the mainstream media, but also in social networks. We saw manipulations at every step, “says Radun, adding that everything was done with the goal of getting Trump out of power. He explains that the post office in the United States is independent, represents a state within a state and that it was clear that it would manipulate the votes. This charade continues, he adds, as the elections are not over, and Biden has been proclaimed president, and regardless of the outcome, these US elections will go down as the most troublesome in history. And the democratic media applaud.
