Politics Online – Moon beaten to death just because she cried


The legal process against Zoran Albić (25) from the village of Prahova near Negotino, accused of beating the girl Luna Firulović, the daughter of his unmarried wife, to death has ended. Until the verdict is delivered, it is up to the acting prosecutor, the defendant’s defense and the attorneys for the father of the tragically injured girl to present their final arguments, which is scheduled for today.

Since the public learned that on May 27, 2019, little Luna did not fall from the terrace of the house where she lived with her mother and partner, as they claimed, but Albić hit her on the head with his fists until he passed away. Shook Serbia does not stop talking. Residents of Prahovo testified that Albić had been violent before, that he locked most of the girls with whom he had an emotional relationship in the house and physically abused him. And most of them were minors at the time. The facts are shocking that the girl was murdered in the family home, that up to 52 wounds were noted on the girl’s body, who was taken to the ambulance with bruises on her head, even when she was already dead.

Little Luna was a sister, someone’s granddaughter. They took his life when he was only two years and eight months old. At that age, he could not hurt, provoke, insult, injure or retaliate and defend himself from physical violence. This child was deprived of the right to grow up, to attend school, to experience his first love, to work, to fulfill himself. They took Luna’s life even before it started. The defendant Albić tried to evade his responsibility by claiming that the girl fell from the terrace. It was determined that he was not telling the truth when he claimed that the girl was also beaten by her mother. Pressed by the evidence, he admitted that he “slapped” little Luna “because she woke up at one in the morning, when he was coming back from coffee.” It bothered him, as he put it, that she wouldn’t stop crying.

Maja Atanasković, legal representative of the “Tijana Jurić” Foundation and lawyer for Dragan Purić, the father of the injured girl, points to the dire conclusions of the autopsy findings of the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Niš, which show how much Luna suffered. “Politika” had an idea from the photos of the murdered boy’s body, as well as the autopsy findings, which bear witness to the torture of the girl before her death.

– 52 injuries were determined on the body of a child who at that time was just over two and a half years old and was 90 centimeters tall. In the bed she was lying on, a lot of matching hair was found with her torn hair. Fractures of the forearm bone were found, as well as that the death was violent and that it was the result of a cerebral hemorrhage … The number of wounds, traces of blood on the child’s clothing and throughout the room indicate that the beating lasted a long time – Atanaskovic said.

The fact that his finger was injured also speaks to the force with which Albić was injured.

– I do not accept the finding of the expert in the part that says that I injured my finger while hurting Luna. I claim I hurt him after that – said Albić, speaking of the expert’s find.

At the time of the commission of the crime, the defendant was sane, determined the commission of experts.

The experts also pointed out that “the presence of weakness due to tolerance to frustration and control, which is expressed in states of strong emotional charge, while in familiar and emotionally charged situations, it is capable of behaving in a discreet and adapted manner” .

– He is a person who knows social norms sufficiently and knows how to distinguish what is legally permissible and morally permissible behavior and what is not – concluded the experts.

Igor Jurić, the founder of the “Tijana Jurić” Foundation, who has been involved in the Little Moon case from the beginning, stated that it was more difficult for him to meet Albić in court “face to face” than with Dragan Đurić, the murderer of his daughter Tijana.

– This is one of the most serious crimes occurred in the territory of our country. I regret that the defendant cannot be sentenced to life in prison without parole. This is an unprecedented case and the only option that comes to mind is for the court to impose a maximum sentence of 40 years on Albić, Jurić said.

Mother eight years in prison

Vesna Firulović, the mother of victim Luna, was sentenced to eight years in prison on the basis of a plea agreement. She was found guilty of failing to provide assistance to a defenseless person and the maximum sentence imposed on her was prescribed.

According to the accusation, she was all the time in front of the house while Albić abused the child, and at no time did she try to stop him and save the child, but also to ask for help, although, as she herself stated, she knew that a social worker lives in the neighborhood.

The investigation established, and this woman herself confirmed at the hearing before the acting prosecutor, that she did not react for a single second while her boyfriend Zoran Albić brutally mistreated her daughter.
