Politics Online – Harsh Words Pandemic


Can opposition political and social groups finally make a verbal détente and end the pandemic of harsh words, which has contaminated the public space so much that a decent debate is considered weakness or cowardice? Those folks retreat into self-isolation, unable to beat competitors in spitting on dissenters, turning the brainstorming into a slime swap. The metaphor is intentionally unpleasant, to reflect excruciating intolerance on the public stage. It is designed as an octagon not only for the actors who create it, but also for the public that unconsciously becomes potential accomplices, in the symbolic process of guillotining those who rise above the national destiny: “If you are not with us, you are against us. “

Then, you will be destroyed, because everyone will try to take you to their side. If you show character by refusing to join in the general banalization of postmodern conformism, which implies belonging to a certain interest group, where “your self” gives way to centers of power for current or potential privileges, it will happen even worse: you will become an idealist. , then weak and finally stupid.

Since the government, embodied in Aleksandar Vučić, who, as head of state, has the constitutional role of expressing the unity of the state, and is also the leader of the strongest party, is the most responsible for the atmosphere in society, its Political opponents will cynically claim that it performs this function perfectly. . There is no opposition in parliament. But, if we remember his journey towards the ziggurat of power, that is, the position of the pharaoh but the Serb, we will also remember how much he cared about winning as many intellectuals or members of the civic elite as possible in the beginning. Many of them, however, did not accept the outstretched hand, insisting on their exceptionality in relation to the disguised radical and his supporters who were described as toothless sandwiches and second-class citizens.

Those who accepted Vučić’s hand, such as the legendary basketball coach Božidar Božo Maljković, the actors Miki Manojlović, Lazar Ristovski and Bulet Goncić, or the famous Goran Bregović, went through a hot rabbit, especially on social media. Since Vučić knows the law very well, but even better in elective engineering, he realized that such a division mathematically brings him to the celestial limit of around 50 percent support. Nobody in the suburbs of the big cities, where the loners end and the villages begin, and there the elections are won, likes to be considered lower-level people, even if he was not blindly in love with Vučić.

The agitated opposition somehow consolidated around Sasa Jankovic, but the former leader of the Free Citizens Movement, after an excellent result in the 2017 presidential election (16 percent), magically disappeared, committing political suicide with extremely strange tweets. On the other hand, by gathering the support of 1,000 public figures, Vučić wanted to show that he too has an elite for the race, so there are growing tensions between his supporters and the defeated parties rallying around the once powerful Democratic Party, which has continued to collapse until now. micro divisions: Lutovac – Lečić.

What a mistake the opposition and their brain are making, trapped in an autistic world of Twitter, with increasingly nervous intellectuals, like academic Dusan Teodorovic, who even hit Bajaga (and when he didn’t), because he played at an organized festival by the authorities of Belgrade and Goran. Vesić, when he was his ex, is considered a defector from the world of the “yellows”, along with Siniša Mali, Jelena Trivan and the former constructive opponents – Čedo Jovanović and Nenad Čanko. Vesić may not be particularly charming, but the attempted lynching while promoting the book does not suit either the opposition that sees itself as democratic, or the intellectuals who rushed through Vesić’s half scalp.

Neither Dragan Đilas, nor Vuk Jeremić and Boško Obradović understand that elective math is simple: like the first math class in elementary school. If he wants to defeat Vučić, he must transfer his voters to his side, with a transitional period for his people, which in Serbian customary political law is called treason. But you certainly won’t do that if you continue to insult them and force them to wear dentures before they count and brush their teeth, tweeting of similar content, with a selfish clap after counting the actions. At the same time, they demonize first Vučić’s brother, Andrej, then his family members, even children, escalating with threats to kill Vučić himself, which come from overheated social media. The main opposition media even ridicule or downplay such threats, forgetting how dangerous such reports can be, at least spiced up with cartoons and satires, in a country where Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic was assassinated 17 years ago. How much the great metaphor cost the great Aleksandar Tijanic: “If Djindjic survives, Serbia will not.”

Vučić, on the other hand, has his perfectly organized IT phalanxes, the so-called bots, that strike back well below the belt and in alliance with the pro-regime tabloids and two commercial televisions with horrible reality shows, inciting intolerance of the elites. hysterical, both rulers and opposition. Serbian-Serbian pandemic hate speech is spreading from the real to the virtual world.

Where is Aleksandar Vucic wrong? In addition to the extremely controversial cast of personnel that gave rise to local barons such as Dragoljub Simonovic de Grocka, Milutin Jelicic Jutka de Brus or Goran Cvetanovic de Leskovac, keeping in good condition almost all the management staff of public companies, the head of the progressives , after an absolute victory in the parliament elections, appoints young deputies, presenting them as the new elite of the SNS.

With undoubted results in the field of economics and its favorite GDP, according to which Serbia will really become a European champion, which is confirmed by international financial institutions and the largest German tabloid “Bild”, with finished roads and a hospital covid in Batajnica, Vucic allows himself the luxury of having his party and himself personally represented by young fans in the highest legislative body, with the sole objective of building his cult of personality and putting millions of Dragan Djilas in each of the games budgetary. And each one reads a speech that is difficult to read.

Free advice to Vucic. His deputies, led by Professor Marko Atlagić, insulted one of the greatest Serbian actresses, Seko Sabljić, for her political position under the arches of parliament, and then it was Dragan Bjelogrlić’s turn, thus scoring an own political goal as effective, as if they had hit a net with 30 meters at the fork. The first was declared by Rambo Amadeus, the second was added by me.

The frequent mention of Dragan Djilas, in almost every SNS youth appearance, from a political marketing point of view, would probably make Zorica Brunclik laugh. If you wonder why, she is considered the ancestor of public relations, since ancient times, when she said, “Write about me, even if it’s good.”

In my time, I defended Andrej Vučić, because a man is guilty only because he is Aleksandar’s brother, in whom, of course, the head of state has the greatest confidence. Not only was he fiercely beaten by members of the Nis Gendarmerie detachment at the time, which in itself denies Andrej’s power, but there is no evidence that he broke the law, save for rumors in pubs that He owns all the taverns in Serbia. Sometimes I wonder, listening to gossip, does Andrej also own my apartment? So I have a reserve dose and the same discomfort when Gojko Djilas, Dragan Djilas’s brother, is mentioned. To whom else would the former mayor and minister transfer his large estates and departments, which he increased while performing state functions, if not the man he trusts the most? And that’s his brother.

I recently read comments about the news that Bora Chorba is seriously ill. The great poet and rocker is dangerously reprimanded because he performed at a rally of progressives. Yes and what. A man who wrote “Two dinars, comrade” and “Look at your angel’s house,” can play with whoever he wants and have whatever political beliefs he wants. Who can diminish the acting greatness of Nikola Koja because he is against Vučić or Srdjan Dragojević, who is fiercely tweeting against the president? The man who ran “Beautiful Towns, Beautiful Mountains” has the right to criticize, even below the limits of good taste. Although I would rather record the sequel to “Beautiful Villages” rather than write dozens of tweets a day. This is how he looks for talent, settling accounts with the “pork board”.

But Dragojevic does not have a false order, like the cowards who hide under mostly stupid pseudonyms. It could be comforting to see a surreal television duel between Miroljub Labus and Vojislav Kostunica during the failed 2002 presidential elections. They did not exchange insults. The host almost fell asleep, though Voja’s eyes also closed.

18 years have passed since then. For God’s sake, university professor Srbijanka Turajlić now wants to erase all traces of the Stefan Nemanja monument, and someone scratched the car of epidemiologist Branislava Tiodorović. Igor Jurić, Tijana’s brutally murdered father, became the target of the regime’s doctors. Soon the whole world may be the target of a scared saint.

Read Branko Miljković one more time. A word that is too strong always reaches the person who pronounces it!
