Politics Online – Catering Services Expect a Miracle


Some catering companies in the capital are largely preparing for the festive New Year’s Eve, although it is not known with certainty if it will be allowed at all, especially if the latest warnings from the authorities about the holidays are taken into account as “epidemiological bombs.” And while many wonder whether it is realistic to expect the crown to disappear by December 31 or for the epidemiological situation to improve, some caterers are still hoping for a miracle.

The Internet sites highlight the offers to welcome the “craziest night” in restaurants, hotels, clubs, event rooms. In the famous bohemian neighborhood, through which we pass as possible guests, some caterers have confirmed that they are preparing for the celebration.

– The offer is valid, the tickets are on sale, but we do not yet know if the celebration will be allowed. Even if it is, I don’t think more than 20 guests are allowed in the same room, they say in the restaurant “Tri šešira”. “Two deer” confirm that preparations are underway, however, it is not known for sure if there will be celebrations.

Miško Lekić, president of the Association “Skadarlija”, points out that it is unreasonable in the circumstances, when the final decision on reception has not been made, to sell tickets and reservations because the situation is more than uncertain and the whole of Europe is blocked.

All caterers point out that if a reception cannot be arranged and guests pay, the money will be refunded. In case the authorities give a “green light” to organize the celebration on the last night of December in restaurants, they point out, the guests will be able to reserve their place at the last minute. The New Year’s menu and musical program, as well as everything that accompanies the celebration of the “craziest night”, is prepared and the guests await.

Catering facility owners who have not yet started preparations for the celebration will probably not be able to organize everything at the last minute. From one of the cafes where famous names from the scene are invited, they said that they are not working at this time due to the epidemiological situation, but that they expect it to begin at the end of the month.

– In that case, we will surely organize a reception, follow us on social networks, we will call and then we will have more information about the New Year’s offer … – they mentioned from one of the cafes we contacted on social networks.

Miša Relić, on behalf of the Association of Bars and Clubs, says that only five percent of the total number of catering companies organize the celebration and, as he believes, the city authorities did not help as much as the catering companies should in such a difficult situation.

– Numerous media see us as the main culprits for the spread of the corona virus, and that is not true at all. The nightclubs haven’t been open for a month, and people are still dying, the numbers are rising instead of falling, so I don’t think that has anything to do with us. It is possible that the authorities will approve the organization of New Year’s celebrations at the last minute, but people are afraid – says Relić.

Among the catering companies, as we saw for ourselves, there are those who planned to organize the celebration and announced themselves, but changed their minds.

– We had an idea, but we gave up on this situation. Unfortunately, this year there will be no celebrations in our country – they said from the restaurant “Hydpark”.

The nightclubs in the capital were not in the mood to talk about the reception, but they kindly asked us to follow the news about the epidemiological situation and their official accounts on social networks. And that some remind the authorities that they are in an unenviable situation, convinced us when we visited the profiles on social networks to which they referred. On the official Facebook page of the café “Pavle Korchagin”, fans were asked what they thought about the New Year’s celebration in the open air.

– Shall we welcome you outdoors, in the parking lot in front of the cafe? Respecting the distance and a maximum of five people at the table? – was the question. The answers are different, a bit funny, but many of the followers appreciated this idea.

And while many caterers do not pin their hopes on celebrating the New Year, and the corona virus relentlessly plagues and claims lives, some of the younger fellow citizens hesitate to go to the reception for no reason other than it has nothing to do with the virus.

– If there is no prohibition, I would like to leave, but my problem is money. Giving 35, 40, 50, 80 or even 100 euros for a single night is not little. This figure does not include clothing or taxis. It would be good to lower prices a little – says a twenty-four-year-old girl. Obviously, you do not think about the fact that the danger of a possible infection enters the figure. He really wants to have fun, just like his peers, and all that justifies it with some youthful madness, bravery, rebellion and the famous motto “one is life”.

Some of his acquaintances and friends, he notes, are largely making plans to celebrate the New Year. In case some new measures “spoil” them, there is nothing left but to organize parties at home. Friends have cabins on the outskirts of town or inland, so you won’t miss out on the celebration. What particularly worries younger fellow citizens is how they will organize themselves in case the authorities make a decision on the curfew.

– In that case, things will be a bit more complicated, but not impossible. On the eve of the start of the curfew, we will go where we planned and we will stay until it is forbidden to move – say the young interlocutors.

Among the people who do not even think about celebrating the “craziest night” in cafes, restaurants and nightclubs, there are also those who did not celebrate this holiday in that way in previous years. My husband and I, says Mirjana D., twenty-seven, have never been to a restaurant, club, coffee shop, or even a local coffee shop for an organized celebration.

– We had a party in our apartment or at a friend’s house. Two years ago, for example, we paid for a New Year’s arrangement and visited Turkey. A welcome at one of the bars is not an option for me, nor has it ever been. I don’t like that, he says, adding that he will most likely be home on December 31st.

Some of the fans of the celebration of the “craziest night” with music, food and drink until the wee hours of the morning in a cafe or club environment, precisely because of the epidemiological situation, decided to leave that pleasure for better times.

– Better wait for all this to happen. And how could I celebrate in a relaxed way, even if the authorities allow it, if I know that there is a possibility of contagion … I know that there are many who cannot wait for the “green light” to go to the reception or any night out, but I do not I am one of them. . To invest in the crown, so I’m not crazy – said this girl.
