Politics Online – And Poorest On Electricity Bill Charge By Green Kilowatts


Consumers in social danger in Serbia will also pay a special rate for green kilowatts, which was increased more than 4.6 times by decision of the Government of Serbia on December 18, from 0.093 to 0.437 dinars per kilowatt-hour. That is, those who are otherwise entitled to free kilowatts of electricity and a certain amount of gas. About 70,000 of them were entitled to this assistance.

Although, therefore, this is the poorest part of the population and the state has been helping them in recent years through this regulation on socially vulnerable customers, on the other hand they are obliged to pay for items like this, which encourages domestic and foreign investors to build and produce greener. kilowatts which are then delivered to the same public company at prices significantly higher than EPS coal-fired electricity.

Since “Elektroprivreda Srbije” cannot financially bear that cost alone and pay investors for this green electricity, it does so through the accounts of all citizens. Even the poorest.

An informed source on these occasions says that the poorest are not exempt from this compensation and that their accounts also have allocations for renewable energy sources, because nowhere in the decree or law is it said that they are not charged that cost.

So, in addition to the regular increase in the price of electricity announced for February 1, by 3.4 percent, they will also have this item for green kilowatts in January.

EPS did not respond directly to the question of “Politika” whether even the poorest citizens have to pay this fee, but rather responded that according to the Decree on the fee for incentives for privileged electricity producers (the fee for RES is a part integral of the electricity bill, that is, monthly obligations).

And that according to the Decree on the energy customer in danger, the customer in danger has the right to reduce the monthly obligation of the electricity bill in the following way. For a household with one member of 120 kilowatt-hours per month, with two and three members of 160 kilowatts per month, for households with four and five members of 200 kilowatts per month. Whereas for households with six or more members of 250 kilowatt-hours.

The public company adds that the monthly electricity bill is reduced by the amount determined by multiplying the declared number of kilowatt-hours by the price of a higher daily rate in the green zone for consumers in the consumer goods category. with two rates, increased by 10 percent.

For example, according to the current price list, the price of a kilowatt-hour in the highest rate in the green zone is 6,196 dinars. When that price increases by 10 percent, it amounts to 6.8156 dinars. This means that the account of a household with six members is reduced by 1,703.9 dinars.

Otherwise, recipients of social assistance and child allowance directly exercise the right to free kilowatts without submitting an application. Free kilowatts are used annually by an average of around 70,000 of the most vulnerable. And it could be three times more. Gas benefits are valid during the heating season and were only used by 36 households in October.

Electricity benefits are valid for one calendar year, so anyone who exercises that right must already prepare a new application to receive reduced bills as of January. Only customers in danger of extinction who consume 6.5 times more electricity than what the regulation provides will not be entitled to reduce their electricity bills. Those who have not yet submitted an application for this type of relief must, in addition to the application, submit personal data of all family members, whether they are in regular education, employed or not, income level, data about the home they use and if the state of vulnerability. customer refers to electricity or gas. Proof of the cadastre of the place of residence and place of birth on the possession of real property, a certificate from the administration of public revenue of the place of residence and the place of birth is also required. The precondition for them to receive free kilowatts of light and cubic meters of gas is that all their previous bills are duly paid, that is, they have no debts. It is also important to know that if someone exceeds a certain limit of free kilowatts in a month, in the next billing period they can achieve a reduction with a more rational consumption.

This year, the right to free electricity was granted to a household of one member with an income not exceeding 14,571.74 dinars, with two and three members earning a total of no more than 21,216.14 dinars per month, for families of four and five members up to 27,856.18 dinars. with six or more partners up to 35,030.72 dinars.

It is a decree approved by the Government of Serbia and is applied throughout Serbia. Someone approves the census and does not exercise the right. EPS and “Srbijagas” prepare lists and reduce invoices.

By the way, the budget for 2021 foresees the allocation of 1.3 billion dinars for the protection of energy customers according to the Decree on Protected Energy Customers, which is less than this year.
