Politics has become a luxury for those who lack private problems and an excess of ambition WITHOUT COVERAGE


When everything is added and subtracted, our life is like that line between the year of birth and the year of disappearance. Unbearable speed of transience – says the famous academic Dusko Kovacevic.

His book “I sing it there” (“Laguna”) was recently published, undoubtedly a unique collection in which songs become stories, stories into songs, verses in life, life in stanza …

Inside the cover there are four works containing his famous verses (from various dramas, plays, movies), but also the lesser known so far, as well as very exciting accompanying notes. Asked with what feeling he composed the book, he recorded the comments, at the beginning of the conversation, he said:

– For years, I was preparing to compile into a book all the songs that I had scattered in plays, movies, magazines, newspapers and in folders, which are similar to my private archaeological site. Because some songs, and stories about those songs, seem to me to date back to the Bronze Age of my youth. My wife Nada, to whom I dedicated this book, as a little attention for a great friendship, said it would be nice to do that, as well as save the manuscripts from her computer because I am not the best with this technology.

The name “I sing it there” is associated with a legendary movie, but isn’t it really closely related to the event (which you write about in the book) when you were five, six years old and when you got lost, you were singing in the corn .. .

– When you remind me of that childhood event similar to a scene from the movie “Amarcord”, I would tell you that I am no longer surprised by older people who do not know what they had for lunch, but that is why they remember recitations from the first grade of primary school. My advice to the young could be: don’t make fun of the old too much, everything will be waiting for you one day. Many times I wondered if I should write “Marathoners” and joke with the elderly who are my current age. And when I wrote that article, I had the feeling that I would be forever young and that old people are always old. In the end, it turns out, when everything is added and subtracted, that our life is like that line between the year of birth and the year of disappearance. Unbearable speed of transience.

You wrote the first songs, so to speak, “for the needs” of Jelenčet, the poet of “Radovan III”, when Bora Todorović was playing in the legendary work Atelje, and then Caci Mihajlović. What would Jelenče say today? sang / sang?

– In response, I will quote a verse from this book. It was written a long time ago. And the older it gets, the more current it gets. “Is it possible to find / the right way and salvation / if they and us / against us?”

Perhaps the most beautiful and moving words in the book you wrote about Grandma Ljubica: “It’s about remembering the days and years that will help me later not to be alone.” What most shapes a person, what has shaped you?

– It is known from the life and professional books that a person has a “crucial training” at the age of five or six years. Compared to the growth of a tree, one could say: just as you are planted and cared for in the early years, you will grow, you will grow like a straight or wrong tree. And that is a precise and exact metaphor for our life. My good grandmother Ljubica welcomed me into this world as a grandmother and midwife, because I was born in a country house, she measured me on a scale and carried me until I was three or four years old. I walked late for too much love. And whenever I came to town, she would greet me with the words – “Bless me how much you’ve grown.” She moved to memory when I was 13 years old. Today I am 10 years older than her. And I’m sure, as I wrote in the book, that when we meet again, he won’t tell me “good luck as you get older.” Remembering dear people is one of the beautiful proofs that it was worth being born and being in this world, up to where we are destined. And the memory of my grandmother and my mother always causes me a smile and pain.

When you were less than six years old, you suffered from severe meningitis and discovered for yourself that this is where your attachment, perhaps more unconscious than conscious, to the subject of death comes from. But, without a doubt, in an irresistibly ingenious way. And you also say that only death and the cross have no vowels … When you write about it, death, as Kundera would say, has an unbearable ease of existence, or …?

– I became ill for the first time, seriously and almost incurable at six months of age from pneumonia. My grandmother lit a celebratory candle as a belief in healing before sledding me through the deep snow to Sabac hospital on the road next to the Sava River. Somehow I got ahead of myself. Five years later, I fell ill with an almost incurable disease that, as you can see, left deep traces in my life and in my work. This difficult and terrible word death has four consonants, and is the basic theme of almost all my plays, movies and books, and this feeling was defined in black humor by the aforementioned poet Jelenče with the verse “I was dead for thousands of years , both during the Greeks and in Rome / And I was born just to understand / I was already dead, and I’ll be dead! “

The song “Pada vlada” from the movie “Professional”, as it is known, entered the people. He also sang during various demonstrations. There are those who say that they will listen and sing again, what do you say?

– That song was written in 1995, and it was sung during those great demonstrations … And then it was sung countless times in all possible protests. They were sung by those in the opposition at that time, so when they came to power, they heard her sing them. And so, I fear, it will be the same next year, and for decades to come, as long as we play those famous children’s games: thieves and gendarmes. And with us, those roles often change as if players are tired of being just one of those two sides. Anyone who hopes that something important will change in the fight for the preservation or conquest of power, probably escaped the history lessons in elementary school. In the aforementioned “Marathoners”, Laki Topalović tried to put his photo in place of the late Pantelija, to change the government, so to speak, a coup, so that he was almost killed. That is why the motto is often repeated: Pantelija is not ded!

It also raises the question of how you see what is happening on the current social and political scene; from for example the parliamentary insults of Seka Sablić and Dragan Bjelogrlić, through the conflict of professional and political work at the seat of the crisis, which is increasingly losing the trust of citizens, and financial embezzlement going forward?

– 20 years ago or more, I started writing stories about Serbian divisions. I have collected them in the 20 most characteristic. Today, people are divided into vaccines, Chinese, Russian, American, European and some others that are still found. There is no miracle that does not divide us and encourage us to fight and accuse us of treason. As for Seka Sablić and Dragan Bjelogrlić, I would like to say that they have been my friends for a thousand years, from the last century and the last millennium. Their artistic experience together lasts approximately 100 years, and in those hundred years they have done so much that no malicious condemnation can do anything to them. And the funniest thing to me in the whole story is that the young lions in the Assembly targeted Seko and Bjela more on the recommendation of their loyalty to the leader than on the words of two top performers. And that’s best seen by the fact that the president said: stop, don’t let me hear you scream anymore. Not exactly with those words, but the essence is what is said, with children only strictly.

What is the key political issue today and here?

– As long as this horror of this and our planetary misfortune lasts and as long as our family or friends die, there will be nothing more important than the fight for a naked life. Just this week, two friends I made the movie with became seriously ill. I don’t want to talk about private problems. I trust most doctors because I know a lot and I know that they wear space suits for ten or more hours a day. Of course, there are artists as in any circus, but in what profession there are none. As for politics, it is currently the biggest problem for politicians themselves and it comes down to who will remain in power or who will try to conquer it. And that personally, in these difficult times – like most people concerned about the health of their loved ones – does not interest me too much. Politics has become a kind of luxury for those who lack private problems and have an excess of ambition, mostly without coverage.

What marked this 2020 and what does next year hold for us?

– The policy has been simplified by the fact that a party rules and that according to some data, another 200 -both by the will of the citizens and by the will of the State security- are registered and I do not know how many associations and registered parties are not Additional features. As a real opposition, there are five or six of them, who unfortunately cannot agree on who is who and who is the first man of the opposition. Because as “collective leadership” it won’t happen. The justification for not going to the polls again because of the electoral conditions, which will never be fair and as the opposition wants, will never shake or help anyone. If someone in the opposition expects help from the world in these difficult times, it will only come in the form of advice, such as tips to protect themselves from drafts. An unopposed parliament is not good for the political life of the country, but if it does not exist, life will not stop. For example, not everyone liked Kostunica, on the contrary, but they agreed that he would be the first man of the opposition. Who is that man today? Ask that question and turn off the light to see who will be alive.


For half a century

People come

In front of the House of the Revolution

Brought by bus


Soles and railless trams

To hear the Spokesman’s speech

Who is screaming

Same stories

Like a coil.

“Our problem is big,

Serious and worldly!

These are not everyone’s problems!

Those are the problems

Worthy only of us

And you!

And so!

I guess we didn’t expect that

To fight for great things

And that we have little problems!

Who is not capable of dying

He is not even capable of living.

And so.

We will fight for the future of our children

To a man! “

One of the agitators screamed

So is!

And the people accepted

So is! So is!

And the speaker kept shouting:

“We will prove it to everyone one day

That we are what we are not today!

We won’t stop or give up

Until we arrive

Where we go!

And only we know where we are going

And why do we fight

And we live so proud!

And so!

A friend picked me up the other day

Asked in passing

What if we don’t win?

If we lose everything

And do we disappear forever?

Nothing i said

If we don’t win

That means the whole world

Opt for a great evil!

And so!

And if it happens to the planets

Defeat evil

Then there shouldn’t be us!

Let’s go!

Long live evil! “

And the agitator repeated: “Long live evil!”

And the people accepted

And shouted:

“Long live evil!”

And got off the buses


Soles and trams without rails.

* The song “Speaker” was suggested by Dusko Kovacevic as a comment on the issue of Serbia today
