POLICE TIME FOR THE NEW YEAR? The coronavirus does not give in, the crisis personnel are deciding the measures during the next holidays today


According to crisis staff members, epidemiologists Dr. Branislav Tiodorovic and Dr. Predrag Kon, if such trends continue with numbers infected with the corona virus, the introduction of the curfew is being considered, and Kon announces “that it could be valid on New Years Eve. “

Tiodorovic points out that during the holidays it will be necessary to introduce measures for Serbian citizens who come to the country from abroad, such as those in force in those countries.

– Negative PCR test, no more than 48 hours, and those who do not have it, must be quarantined for 10 days – explained Tiodorović.

He also states that the profession expected the situation to calm down, which did not happen, and that, although there may be stagnation, the assessment is not optimistic.

– So if this continues, crisis staff will have to think about introducing a state of emergency and a curfew. It all depends on our shared responsibility.

Epidemiologist Kon also emphasizes that the crisis staff session will decide on the extent of existing measures and the possible introduction of new ones.

– It has been resolved whether there will be new measures at the borders – yes, now it is only a technical question how they will be implemented. The reduction in the number of patients in the last days should encourage us, but we should not relax, because there is a lot of pressure on hospitals in Serbia, especially in intensive care units – emphasized Kon.

He also said that, although the health system is overloaded, and that there is still more income than hospital expenses, everything continues to work.

– At present, there are a large number of serious and moderately serious cases, and the situation in which we find ourselves with the exchange of health personnel can only be compared to the state of war. Belgrade patients, although they are a big valve of hospitals in Batajnica, are still being treated in other cities in Serbia. This is the moment of heroism in the medical sector. There is a parallel life: there is a state of war in one, but there are also those who flee from it, who want to live normally at all costs. Clearly, closure is the most effective measure. Whether we will resort to that depends. We insist that all measures are respected, such as the ban on gathering more than five people – said Kon, speaking of the possibility of introducing a curfew for the New Year.

After the mortality of kovida 19, when we compare ourselves with others in the world, we should not feel bad and that is, according to Kon, the most important thing. But mortality increases when, as he himself said, the health system collapses.

And the latest data shows that the number of infected people has decreased, but more people are using respirators.

The Ministry of Health also says that 3,092 healthcare workers are currently infected. They are isolated due to a positive test for the corona virus or have had risky contacts. Most of the infected doctors are in home treatment and 83 are in hospitals due to the more serious clinical picture.

Dr. Predrag Kon also stated that an immunization plan must be made and priorities determined, as well as that Serbia, with or without the vaccine, will emerge from the epidemic next year.

After Belgrade, the highest number of infected people last weekend was registered in Novi Sad: 332, and the situation is critical in Pancevo, Zrenjanin, Kikinda, Sombor, Subotica and Sremska Mitrovica …

The covid hospital in Batajnica is currently treating 532 patients, says the director of that institution, Tatjana Adžić Vukićević, adding that another room with 104 beds was opened on Saturday night, but that it is also filling faster.

– We are fighting like lions, there are no moans – said Adžić Vukićević. – We are waiting for patients from the Infectious Diseases Clinic and Zvezdara. It’s bloody, we’re all wet under the spacesuits. No one is sitting, everyone is working. An additional problem is that more and more health workers are infected, Vukićević stresses.


In the territory of the municipality of Gracanica in Kosovo and Metohija, in the last three days, contagion with kovid was confirmed through tests on seven more people, announced the Crisis Staff of that municipality.

With seven new cases, the total number of registered positive cases of kovid 19 in the municipality of Gracanica, since the beginning of the epidemic, is 270.

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