Police expressed doubts about the veracity of the answer, Kokeza rejected a polygraph


Although there is no official statement from the competent authorities, the questioning of Slaviša Kokeza was discussed on Pink TV by the Serbian Minister of Police. Aleksandar Vulin claimed that the police expressed doubts about the veracity of the response of the president of the Serbian Football Association to the four-hour questioning regarding the connection to the criminal group Veljko Belivuk.

He confirmed that Kokeza rejected the polygraph test.

Video: Pink TV

Vulin, as a guest on Hit Tweet, stated on TV Pink that the police would continue the investigation, as well as that the President of the High Court, Aleksandar Stepanović, advised Kokez to reject the polygraph.

Slaviša Kokeza

“(Kokeza) was questioned as a citizen … He was offered to testify whether or not he would answer each individual question, to which he refused.” The polygraph is not evidence in court, but it almost unequivocally points to what is true. “said Vulin.

The minister added that this was the second time that someone had rejected a polygraph in the current investigation, that is, that the former Secretary of State for the Interior Ministry, Diana Hrkalović, had done the same.

