Police block the intersection of Birčaninova and Kralja Miutina as a precautionary measure (PHOTO)



22.10.2020. 17:46

Just over an hour after the opening of the “Mirdita, good morning” festival, the police blocked the crossing of Birčaninova and Kralja Miutina, as a precaution, since it is an event that provokes reactions and protests every year, as described announced for today.


Police, Photo: Alo.rs/M.Jošida

In front of the entrance to the Cultural Decontamination Center, where the festival will be inaugurated, in addition to the police teams and journalists, stands the president of the Association of Families of Kidnapped, Missing and Murdered Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija Sima Spasic. victims of Albanian criminals.

A part of the Cultural Decontamination Center is covered with photo prints of the destructive pogrom on Serbian Orthodox churches of 2004.

Members and supporters of the Zavetnici party are gathering on the plateau in front of the Temple of Saint Sava, who, according to the announcements, will be heading to the Cultural Decontamination Center at 5.30pm.

SRS supporters also announced the protest.
