Police are hot on the heels of Kontić, who brutally beat a young man and broke his arms into unconsciousness.


THE HOOP CLOSES AROUND THE MONSTER: The police follow Kontić, who brutally beat the young man and broke his arms until he was unconscious!

Photo: screenshot, private archive

Ivan Kontić (30), suspected of trying to kill MM (28) on August 24 in Novi Sad, will be found and arrested wherever he is hiding, Police Minister Nebojsa Stefanović said yesterday.

According to him, Kontic is expected to face justice soon, whether he is “in Montenegro or in some other country.” He noted that intensive work is being done with the police in neighboring countries and that Kontić has nowhere to hide.

– He will be brought before the Serbian judiciary and will be punished – the minister emphasized. Kontić, a native of Nikšić, brutally beat MM and intentionally broke his arms.

– The case was first in the Basic Prosecutor’s Office, because Kontić was suspected of causing serious injuries, but after coordination, the case went to the Superior Prosecutor’s Office and an investigation was launched for a more serious crime, the attempted murder. Two of his aides were arrested on Sunday, the interlocutor recalls and adds that an international arrest warrant was issued against the perpetrator.

The video, which reached the public, shows a young man beating another and then flipping him upside down while he is unconscious on the floor and intentionally breaking his arms with his knees.

– The reason for the beating is still being verified – says the source, adding that the injured man twice refused to cooperate with the police. The attack took place in front of a gambling shop in Novi Sad, where Kontić was the director.

The fugitive Kontić also has a law degree and has been an intern at a law firm since January. In addition, he was a member of the Montenegrin judo team.

(Kurir.rs/ J. Spasić / photo Printscreen, Marina Lopičić)

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