POKS AND DSS TOGETHER IN FUTURE ELECTIONS? A new political coalition of moderate right-wing parties is on the horizon


Milos Jovanovic, chairman of the Democratic Party of Serbia, and Zika Gojkovic, leader of the Movement for the Renewal of the Kingdom of Serbia, are discussing cooperation, “Blic” learned.

According to our well-informed source, so far the representatives of the two parties have held a meeting and, in the opinion of both parties, it has been very successful. The talks took place at DSS headquarters, and in addition to the presidents of DSS and POKS, other senior officials from both parties also attended.

– Gojković brought the results of the investigation according to which DSS and POKS keep well together and do not lose voters with synergy, on the contrary – reveals one of the sources of our article.

This practically means that if there is a two-party coalition that almost fell short of the threshold in the elections, then DSS voters will have no problem completing the option where, in addition to their first election, there are also POKS. The same is true of the voters of the Kingdom Restoration Movement.

Zika Gojkovic

Photo: Ognjen Radošević / RAS Serbia

Zika Gojkovic

Our interlocutors could not confirm how much support each of the parties currently has among the citizens, but it is true that DSS and POKS together pass the census.

This is not the first time Jovanović and Gojković have spoken, but so far the cooperation has never taken place. According to our source, it is expected that the talks will continue and that in some future period, until the start of the campaign for the 2022 elections, cooperation will be agreed.

The actors in the story confirmed our findings, Gojković being somewhat more eloquent.

– In the last elections, the public showed a clear will that it is necessary to expand the political scene because many parties did not pass the electoral threshold. The closest was POKS. We only needed a few thousand votes, but the DSS, Zavetnici and some other parties of the moderate right were not too lacking. We are not interested in armchairs, we can cooperate with other parties exclusively on a program basis, which means that they are in favor of the restoration of the kingdom or for the issue of the unconstitutional and illegal overthrow of the monarchy to be finally opened in 1945 – states Gojković for our newspaper and says DSS is not the only party POKS talks to.

– The parties and organizations that we have recognized advocate for the same objectives as us and are close to us are the Narodna mreža Vladan Glisic association, which is monarchical and with which we already have an agreement in principle, Zavetnici, DSS … And we started for them talks about future cooperation in the fight for common goals. The census is not our goal because now we can cross it on our own, much less with the DSS and Zavetnici. Our goal is an effective fight for the goals of our program that will bring concrete results and improvement for the citizens in their lives. There will be no compromise, because we promised the voters that way – concludes Gojković.

Jovanovic: Meeting in a correct environment

Milos jovanovic

Photo: Vladimir Živojinović / RAS Serbia

Milos jovanovic

DSS leader Milos Jovanovic was somewhat more reserved than Zika Gojkovic in a statement to “Blic.”

– It was one of the many encounters with various actors from the political scene. It happened in a very correct atmosphere – said the DSS leader briefly for “Blic”.

The first and the second below the threshold.

Both political organizations attended the parliamentary elections on June 21 of this year. POKS was the first below the threshold with the result of 2.7 percent of the votes won, and 2.3 percent of the voters voted for DSS. In recent weeks, representatives of the DSS have participated in opposition meetings initiated by the president of the Social Democratic Party, Boris Tadic, which have led to meetings with representatives of Radio Television of Serbia and Radio Television of Vojvodina. These meetings were also attended by the Free Citizens Movement, the New Party, Let’s not drown, Belgrade, as well as several other organizations.

VIDEO: Vučić: In Serbia, whoever wants to participate will win the elections
