Podgorica reaction: now it’s clear


Podgorica – The Democratic Party of Socialists recalled that Bishop Danilo renounced his religious titles and made Montenegro a secular state.

Source: B92



“Since then, state leadership has not been discussed in the monasteries, nor has the church interfered in those decisions,” DPS said in a statement.

The complementary declaration affirms that it is a “direct interference of the Episcopal Council in the political negotiations on the formation of the new government”.
The constitution has been violated

“The Constitution of Montenegro, which prescribes a strict separation between the state and the church, has been violated. It is superfluous to mention all the previous statements of the SOC dignitaries in Montenegro, in which they first denied their participation in the political processes, then what they confirmed and finally announced it. ” withdrawal of the Serbian Orthodox Church from politics, “and then they denied themselves through political negotiations in Ostrog and a letter from the Episcopal Council, an ecclesiastical body in which foreign citizens also sit,” DPS said.

That, they add, is the final phase of mocking religion and politics.

Gathering political parties in monasteries, arguing in front of the relics of a saint who was so often referred to even on election day, and not even denying that there were verbal conflicts in the holy place, is nothing more than showing the deepest lack of I respect the saints for who they are. Their struggle, it is now quite clear, boils down to a struggle for seats, positions and supremacy in the new government. Open and undisguised political aspirations show that the sanctuaries were only a means to manipulate citizens. who, by the way, promotes his politics as green and liberal, who gladly attended the briefing and negotiations on the government in Ostrog, is a sad confirmation that the interference of the Church in the politics and management of the entities Policies has obviously become a new reality in Montenegro, “the statement said.

In vain, they add, members of the new ruling coalition are trying to relativize the place and time of the negotiations and the letter of the Episcopal Council.

It is clear to everyone that decisions on important state issues in the next period will be made everywhere, but not in the Government. And especially in monasteries and bishoprics. After all, it is obvious that from the beginning of the “struggle for the saints”, it was actually a state management, “concluded the DPS.
