Plot overlooking Ravna gora and the airport from where Draža commanded (PHOTO)


The 25-acre parcel, which the locals of Pranjan donated to the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, on Saturday, with a desire to become his neighbor, is located in Suvoborski Vis, on the Mramor elevation.

The plot has an incredible view, above all, of Serbian history, where in the distance you can see Ravna Gora and the Mountain Airport, from where Draža Mihajlović commanded the rescue of allied pilots.


– Thanks to President Pranjani, they got their wings, our happiness that we once again have an airport as part of our heroic ancestors is really great. A piece of land is the most valuable thing we can give, because the Suvobor peasant has more difficulty giving up his grandfather, who is drenched in heroic blood and the sweat of his ancestors, dug in trenches, said Radoljub Janković from Pranjan for RINA .

From the same place, the view shoots towards Takovo, where you can see the village of Kostunici, Teocin, part of Brezna, Brajici, the mountainous heights of Polom, while on the other side you can clearly see the village of Gojna Gora, Druzetici and the part of Siljkovica on whose slopes Milosevo village, Dobrinja.


By the way, the land is owned by the Starčević family, Lazar and Miloš, who did not want any compensation for it. The plot is located in a beautiful setting, surrounded by centuries-old pine trees and can be accessed from two directions, by a macadam road from the Dučina river or by the Tolić hair.

– We are honored to hand over that plot to the President of Serbia, we heard that he said that he would use it for the best purpose, in the interest of the people of Pranje, but in any case, our family gave it from the heart, with the wish of some day be our neighbor – says Miroslav Starčević.


It is a very honorable and hardworking family, which is dedicated to the production of the famous Suvobor rolled cream, processing several thousand liters of mountain milk a day.

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Author: delivery courier
