| This is what is written in the TESTAMENT of Patriarch Irinej


Patriarch Irinej left a will in which he divided his personal belongings, generally property, into three parts.

– I, Irinej Gavrilović, as a mortal man, consider it my duty to express my last will with this handwritten testament, while in good health and with a clear conscience, how to handle my property after my death – wrote the deceased patriarch at the time he was Bishop of Nis, reports Blic.

Patriarch Irinej passed away this morning at the age of 90. The news of Patriarch Irinej’s death came after 15 days of a tough fight with the coronavirus, which the patriarch lost because his health condition suddenly deteriorated overnight between Wednesday and Thursday.


As a general rule, a will leaves a part to the diocese, a monastery and relatives. At the time he was writing his will, the Bishop of Nis, Irinej, divided everything he had into three parts. Personal belongings of the clergy of the diocese, diocese and family. The patriarch also left money for his funeral at that time, 50,000 dinars, but also the clothes in which he wants to be buried.

The rest of the property, money from salary, one part to the diocese, the other to the Serbian Orthodox Church and the third to the monastery, that is, to the brotherhood that will nurture him before his death.

Photo: Pink Printscreen TV

Irinej left his personal belongings, shoes and clothes to the monks. He left the liturgies like the chest cross, the panagia and the icon to the Diocese of Nis. Personal watch, TV, radio … the late boss left it to his family.

At that time, Patriarch Irinej expressed his wish to be buried in the Cathedral of Nis.

The testament is made in three copies, one of which is sent to the Synod, which is deposited in the archive, the other remains in the Diocese where the archbishop sits, and the third remains with the signer of the will.


However, at the time he was writing his will, the then Bishop of Nis, Irinej, couldn’t even imagine that he would become patriarch. He was one of the bishops who did not aspire to the Patriarchate of Belgrade.

Photo: Beta / Emil Vas

Although he said “don’t do me”, he was elected head of the Serbian Orthodox Church. At the end of his life, the monastery did not take care of him, and what did he expect. He died in hospital from the consequences caused by the corona virus.


Much has changed since Irinej signed everything he owned … How much the patriarch changed his original will, he hides the patriarchal safe in which there is certainly an envelope for the last wishes.

Respect for the synod’s decision that all archbishops should leave a will in practice has been reduced to goodwill. Thus, although much was said about the will of Metropolitan Amfilohije, it seems that he did not have it.

Photo: Tanjug / Dragan Kujundzic

– He wrote the testament with his own hand with pure conscience and common sense, with total freedom … – wrote the late Patriarch Irinej at the bottom of the sheet of paper.
