
Dragana Metić, the mother of DM (7) and her two-year-old younger brother D. M, who drowned in Lake Očaga on 23 August and were buried three days later, left behind six young children more than 15 years ago.

That is, he left his two daughters and four sons in a dilapidated house, abandoned to their fate. M. M, your daughter says she lost all contact with her parents.

– The mother left us six children alone and left who knows where and who knows with whom. I have no contact with her or my father. Our father’s last name is Metić and she took his last name, which she never gave back. To the unfortunate boys for whom I suffer because they are my half brothers, after a kind of mother. She gave them our last name and I don’t know who her father is. I guess they have a relationship with that Christian and they have a girl. I am married and have my own life, my mother is not interested in me, when we were not interested in her when we were little – said MM

Photo: Pink Printscreen TV

Let us remind you that the tragedy when the children drowned occurred at Lake Očaga near Lazarevac. On the fateful day, the children came to the lake with their mother, stepfather and sister for a year and a half. The mother was with her daughter while the children swam in the shallow waters and her stepfather looked after them.

– I turned around for a moment when my daughter started crying. I am not clear how this happened. They weren’t alone in the water, there were more children and people – said stepfather Christian.

The search for the children lasted about an hour. When they were pulled out of the water, there was hope that they would survive, however, after nearly an hour of revival, the battle was lost.
