
The region is in the grip of the coronavirus.

The coronavirus epidemic is sweeping Europe, and this is the case in our environment as well. Today, our country is also seeing a drastic jump in the number of new infected people, but it is still much lower compared to neighboring countries.

That is, in the last 24 hours, 7,242 people in Serbia were tested for coronavirus, of which 326 tested positive. Two people died.

In Montenegro, seven patients died, 132 new people infected

In the last 24 hours, 132 new infected people and seven deceased patients were registered in Montenegro. According to the Institute of Public Health, 777 samples of the new coronavirus were analyzed. Most of the newly infected are in Podgorica 55.

The total number of coronavirus-related deaths since the beginning of June is 238, and since the beginning of the year 247. Recovery of another 293 patients has been reported. The total number of currently active is 4,064. Since the beginning of the year, the total number of registered cases of new coronavirus infection is 15,892.

Black registration in Bosnia and Herzegovina: 718 new infected and 20 deaths

In the last 24 hours, 718 new infections and 20 deaths were recorded in Bosnia and Herzegovina, without the Brcko district, which is the highest so far. 2,671 people were tested. In the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina alone, 473 new infected people and 16 deaths were recorded. 1,754 samples were analyzed in FBiH. New cases have been registered in all cantons of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. So far, a total of 184,117 samples have been analyzed in that entity, and coronavirus has been confirmed in 22,967 people.

Photo: Tanjug / Nikola Andjic

To date, 17,759 patients have been cured in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and, in the last 24 hours, a recovery has been recorded in 103 patients. There are currently 4,555 active cases in the FBiH. 16 new deaths were reported to the Institute of Public Health of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

At present, the total number of deaths in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is 653, 437 men and 216 women. Previously, it was announced that there were 245 positive people in the Republika Srpska in the last 24 hours and four patients died.

In Croatia, 890 newly infected and eight died

In the last 24 hours, 890 new coronavirus infections and eight deaths were registered in Croatia, the National Civil Protection Headquarters announced today. A total of 5,519 samples were analyzed. Among the newly infected, 574 patients are hospitalized, of which 32 are on ventilators.

As of February this year, 26,863 people infected with the new coronavirus had been registered in Croatia, of which 382 have died. A total of 20,962 people were recovered, 433 of them in the last 24 hours. There are currently 22,372 people in self-isolation. To date, a total of 406,519 people have been tested, of which 5,883 in the last 24 hours.

In Slovenia, 794 new cases were confirmed, two people died

In Slovenia, of the 4,326 people who were tested for coronavirus, 794 cases tested positive, that is, 18.4 percent of those tested, the Institute of Public Health announced today. Two people died in the same period, TV Slovenia reports. Currently, 313 patients are hospitalized, of which 56 are in intensive care.

Photo: Tanjug / Kemal Softić

As it is said, the number of infected people in the “Karintijan” nursing home in Črneča has increased, where the virus was discovered in 11 wards and two employees. There are 256 residents and 151 employees in that home, and of that number, a total of 12 residents and six employees were infected. In Slovenia, 14,777 people have been infected with kovid-19 since the start of the pandemic and 192 have died.

North Macedonia: 408 newly infected, four dead

In the last 24 hours, 408 newly infected with the kovid virus were registered in North Macedonia, while four patients died as a result of the virus, Macedonian media reports. The total number of infected since the beginning of the pandemic is 24,196. So far, 17,673 patients have been recovered. A total of 850 people died as a result of the pandemic, 5,673 cases are currently active.

In Romania, 3,400 new cases have been confirmed

In Romania, 29,400 people were tested in the last 24 hours, of which 3,400 tested positive for coronavirus, health officials said. In the same period, 65 people died, a total of 5,996, reports the Adjerpres agency.

Since the start of the pandemic in Romania, 2 million 890,071 people have been tested for the coronavirus, of which 186,254 tested positive for the virus. The largest number of infected people is still in the Bucharest district and the Alba district.

Record in Bulgaria: more than 1,000 new infected

In the last 24 hours, 1,024 new cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in Bulgaria, which is the highest daily balance since the start of the epidemic, announced the Ministry of Health. Last day, 4,406 samples were analyzed. Today’s balance is 629 new cases higher than the previous day, BTA reports.

The highest number of newly infected people is in Sofia, 292. Since the last cut, another 18 people have died. Bulgaria faces a shortage of medical personnel, with 1,622 doctors currently infected. In that country, 30,527 people have been infected since the beginning of the epidemic, of which 1,008 have died.

Photo: Tanjug / Jaroslav Pap

Bulgarian Health Minister Kostadin Angelov announced tonight that from the fourth day, the use of outdoor masks will be mandatory due to the increasing number of covid-19 virus cases. He calculated that the use of masks, as well as social distancing and frequent disinfection, will slow the spread of the virus by about 30 percent and prevent the explosion of the burdened healthcare system, The Guardian reports.

“Our goal is to reduce the number of patients, so that as few people as possible go to the hospital,” he said, adding that the measure will be in effect until the end of November.

In Hungary, 989 newly infected, 38 people died

In Hungary, 989 new coronavirus cases were confirmed in the last 24 hours and 38 people died, it was posted on the government website to monitor the epidemic. There are currently 32,909 active cases in that country, of which 1,960 were hospitalized and 197 with a respirator, reports MTI. Since the start of the epidemic in Hungary, a total of 48,757 people have been confirmed, of whom 1,211 have died.
