
Belgrade is expanding more and more from year to year, and the square in the settlements where there were fields until recently today is around 1,300 euros.

In European metropolises, it is customary for people to live far from the city center and come downtown to work.

In the capital of Serbia, housing in the center is still a matter of prestige, but a good part of the people in recent years have decided to settle in one of the suburbs, and the consequence is that the prices of apartments in the outskirts have literally exploded.

A good example of how much suburban apartment prices have risen is the Ledine settlement.

Photo: Pink Printscreen TV

Until a few years ago, apartments in Ledine cost around 800 euros per square meter, and today one square meter is up to 600 euros more expensive.

The price of a square has not only risen in Ledine and Surcin, which was expected due to the proximity of the airport and the new motorway, but it is also the case in Mirijevo, where apartments that cost 1,000 euros per square meter are now sold to 1,300.

The Statistical Office did an analysis in which parts of the Serbian capital the prices of the apartments increased the most. At the top is Krnjača, where apartments have risen in price by 28%.

Photo: Pink Printscreen TV

Real estate in the Sutjeska settlement in Zemun has risen in price by 25 percent and in Trošarina by 24 percent.

Milić Đoković, the owner of the real estate agency, said that Belgrade is expanding towards Surčin, towards Ledine and Slanci, but also towards Višnjička Banja and Mirijevo.

– On the other hand, it is a section towards the Ibar, Vidikovac, Petlovo, Labudovo brdo highway – said Djokovic and added that the price of these small buildings was between 800 and 1,000 euros, and that now it is between 1,200 and 1,400 euros.

Photo: Pink Printscreen TV

The fact is that about 30,000 people move to the capital every year, which means that the demand for apartments is constant, and also, housing loans have never been more favorable, so investors receive calls before starting to build the facility.

– The money is relatively cheap, the loans are favorable, now especially in conditions with a 10 percent participation, with a 60 percent completion. Then there’s a lot of project finance where banks give apartments from scratch, so realistically a consequence of all that, thinks Djokovic.

Photo: Pink Printscreen TV

The truth is that the prices of the apartments will not fall in the foreseeable future, because the demand is great. It is true that more and more people are realizing the advantages of living in suburban settlements, as well as that after the improvement of the infrastructure in them, the price per square meter will approach the price in the very center of the city.
