
All of Serbia is in mourning for the Serbian patriarch Irinej, but one house is the saddest. His sister Milijanka Kovačević lives there and says goodbye to her beloved brother with great sadness in her heart.

They lost their father very early, only with their mother Milijan, who provided them with a bread dough while they worked for a living, so the late patriarch took over the family when he was young.

– The three of us were next to each other. We grew up in need, but in love and harmony. A lot was done, especially him. On weekends, he would come home from school and immediately put on a work suit and do household chores. We always went with him, he only told us to be united and respect our mother. And it was so. Now my good brother will finally rest, nothing can comfort me and reduce this pain I feel for him – Milijanka cried for RINA and remembers the last meeting with her brother.

Photo: Photo / Rina

– He looked at me for a long time as if he had a feeling. When I asked him what he said, so I don’t see you that often, let me look at you. He was everything to me, my father, my mother and my brother. He was very attached to his mother, near the end of his life, and she became a monk at the Jovanje monastery in Ovčar Banja, says Milijanka.

Photo: Photo / Rina

He liked Čačak plums better and never used the elevator.

Desiring to dedicate his life to God, Miroslav went early to the Transfiguration Monastery near nearby Ovčar Banja, he was still a child. But the Abbot of the Annunciation, Eustace, wisely advised him to go to school and sent him to Prizren, the seminary. Sister Slobodan describes him as very strict, but on the other hand also very soft. Their last meeting was in August of this year, and although he turned ninety at the time, everyone hoped that surely a few more years of life awaited him.

Photo: Photo / Rina

– He never used the elevator, he moved easily, he even went to the church on the hill without any problem, he was the first, and we were all behind him, we were even tired, but not him. He read without glasses, I saw him standing at the Metropolitan’s funeral for several hours. He was strong, strong and healthy. Nobody expected him to die now, if it wasn’t for this terrible virus, he would still be alive – said Slobodan.

Photo: Photo / Rina

The patriarch never forgot his homeland. Many knocked on his door, and it was always open to all. He helped with words and deeds and was a leading star.

– Even though he didn’t live with us, we knew he was there. His very existence gave us peace and tranquility. Now it is as if a new era begins in our lives, without him. Such a man is not born twice. Usually I would go to his patriarchate on Sundays and stay with him for a few hours. He loved Čačak plums and I always used them, although he always said leave it in your hands, I have it all. He was extremely modest, meeting everyone’s needs, and when asked how to pay him, he simply told them to pray more to God. He dedicated his whole life to that – says the nephew of the blessed patriarch.

Photo: Photo / Rina

The residents of his hometown of Vidova, both yesterday and today, silently approach in front of the church that is being built on their part and light candles, thus expressing all the gratitude and respect they have for their beloved patriarch. Many of them will leave tomorrow for Belgrade to send him to eternal rest.
