| EXCLUSIVE – SEE THE FIRST PHOTO OF COLOMBIA AFTER THE STOJANOVIC LIQUIDATION: Sonja is standing crying at her boyfriend’s funeral, and THIS has caught everyone’s attention


The beautiful Colombian sent her boyfriend to eternal rest.

Strahinja Stojanovic, who died in an explosion in New Belgrade when his jeep was blown up, was buried today in the New Bežanija cemetery, and in addition to family and many friends, Stojanović’s girlfriend also appeared at the cemetery. Sonja S. G, who was in the car with him at the time of the explosion.

Photo: Djokovic

He was crying all the time and, what caught everyone’s attention, he stood aside, discreetly watching the funeral where a few hundred people gathered.


The Colombian said goodbye to her boyfriend with an obituary, and in her last message she stated:

Strahinja, you chose peace, not war. Your soul is enlightened and mature and has done all that was needed in this world. The universe has given you a new life full of light and unconditional love. Your Sonja.

Let us remind you that Sonja SG was banned from leaving Serbia.


The investigation into the explosion in which Stojanović died is still ongoing, and in the meantime, it was discovered that between 1 and 1.5 kilograms of Pentrit explosives were underneath the jeep, which was placed under the driver’s seat.

Photo: Video by Tanjug /

The explosive device was probably activated by a cyclist, who was in the immediate vicinity.
