Pink.rs reveals to you what the hosts of the reality show “Zadruga” have been hiding from the public for years.
Twenty six years Darko tanasijevic, the host of the reality show “Zadruga” on Pink, revealed to Pink.rs several pieces of information about his life that the public did not know until now.
Photo: Instagram.com
Darko first returned to his childhood, to the lower grades of elementary school, and recalled a masked ball in which he won a convincing victory, even though he wanted to die in the country for which he appeared in the show.
– For days, the whole society thought about how they would dress up for the school masquerade, and I didn’t have time to think or help my mom and dad, because they worked every day. That day, when the masquerade was held, I cried for my mother on the phone because everyone goes to the masquerade and I don’t, and then she came to pick me up, took me to work, more precisely to the ambulance, she took a uniform from her colleague which is smaller. constitution and disguised me as a nurse! She borrowed a wig from the nearest boutique, gave me a stethoscope, a bag, equipped me in 5 minutes and took me to school, even though I protested and didn’t want to go like that, I was embarrassed. I was a few minutes late for the masquerade, I arrived just as I was painting. She absolutely did not recognize me, people were shocked when they realized it was me. I won first place and prizes, and what is worse, after that, my photo of that masked ball was in the window of a photo shop in the center of Kovin for more than a month, too bad – remembers Darko with a laugh .
Today, he works as a journalist and host for TV Pink, and during elementary school, and then high school, he used his summer vacation for various part-time jobs that earned him pocket money.
– In elementary school, during the summer, together with my friend Marija, I washed the windshields at our friends’ gas station and we had a great time – We broke up with money! Later in high school, I waited at a cafe in Ace, a friend of my brother, he even worked in the warehouse, with his fifty kilograms! I remember that they are the owners of the warehouse, otherwise my parents Ane, my friends from school, after 3 months of work during the holidays, said: “We were convinced that you would give up after two days, but you stayed until the end, thank goodness”! And trust me, I’m proud of everything! And I already had my first steps in the world of journalism on the local Radio Bus at that time.
Photo: Instagram.com
Part of TV Pink has been around for just over four years, and no one really knows the shocking information: that even though he works as a TV host today, he was turned down from auditioning for Pink’s new TV faces seven years ago!
In 2013, I enrolled in journalism at the Faculty of Political Science in Belgrade, where I moved a week or two before the conference started. It was at this time that Pink organized an audition for new TV personalities and I, of course, went to try it out. When I told the then casting director how old I really was and that I had just moved to Belgrade and was going to university, he jokingly told me that he didn’t want my parents to blame him for not graduating from university, that I was very young and that he would. My time has yet to come and the best thing is to listen to it, dedicate myself to the faculty in which I just enrolled, and those opportunities will surely come to me later. I was seriously tired and disappointed then, but now I’m glad that everything turned out like this and that I acted correctly and thought, instead of me being immature, what is best for me. On the other hand, it motivated me to “stay stagnant” and here, already in the third year of university, a new opportunity appeared, I got a job and today I am where I am. It is not said in vain “everything in good time” – says Darko.
Photo: Caslav Vukojicic
At the expense of his talent and professionalism, he received accolades today, and it would be even more if audiences knew under what circumstances he once “pushed” more than five hours of live show.
– An hour or two before the live show, I heard about a death in the family. I did not know what happened to me, it was very bad, but I wanted to continue being professional and do my homework, so I caught up, I ran the show as if nothing private was happening to me and nobody realized what was happening in that moment.
Photo: Instagram.com
One of Darko’s funniest anecdotes occurred in a trial in which he was called as a witness, without even knowing the exact case. Because of what happened, even today his friends make him tell them again and again.
– I received a summons for the trial, where I am being summoned as a witness against the accused by a boy I do not know. I wondered for weeks what it could be, and then realized that they had to call me about the situation 2-3 years ago, when I saw a boy beating a girl on the street and I reported it to the police. I went to the trial where this character appeared, bigger and bigger than me by two heads, in front of which I described in detail to the judge how he beat and mistreated a girl in the street. The judge looked at me blankly, as did the tape recorder, as the defendant gasped, kicked nervously, and broke his toes. Only after twenty minutes of my story, pictorial explanation, will the judge interrupt me and say: “But this is not because of violence, we did not call you for that. We called you because you were an eyewitness of the” coup “, a traffic accident in that and that street, then and then “. When I didn’t fall to the ground, the boy ended up in court because he broke a headlight in his car, and I almost told him that he hit the girl – remembers Tanasijević with a laugh.
Tomorrow at 8pm on Pink.rs, read the new 5 secrets of one of the leaders of “Zadruga” – unexpected accolades await you!
Author: MI