Kelhar reached the Red Star in 2014, and just a few months later he left Red and White and moved into the ranks of Sheffield Wendzde.
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– We all know what kind of problems we had in the fall part of the season in those top positions. We couldn’t find a winning combination and we knew we had to do something for the winter. Stojanovic recalled in an interview with Telegraph.

The expert revealed that the deal with Kelhar was closed.
– And on the last day of the deadline, I remember Kelhar. We were after dinner and I said, “I’ll call him!” He was in Azerbaijan at the time, I called him and said, “Listen, this is so-and-so. I need you, would you come?” And he replied: “Boss, I’m going on foot. I’m not asking for money, I’m going on foot.” And I think it came for a 70 percent lower salary. Without saying a word, he accepted and came immediately. But it was a little respect for me as a coach and a little respect because of the history we had. Stojanovic said.
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