Philosophy Professors: Plato is not owned by the faculty, Vesić’s statement is pressure


The initiative It is not philosophical to silence the professor and associate of the Faculty of Philosophy criticized the Deputy Mayor of Belgrade, Goran Vesić, because he accused the Faculty of Philosophy of the poor condition of the plateau in front of the building, as well as the proposal to fix it of the Professor Dubravka Stojanović. That initiative evaluated Vesić’s performance as a pressure on the Faculty of Philosophy and a direct threat.

“On the morning TV show Studio B, the Deputy Mayor of Belgrade, Goran Vesić, accused the Faculty of Philosophy of the desperate state of the plateau in front of the Faculty building. We understand Vesić’s performance as an attack on the Faculty of Philosophy, because it knows that the space is not the property of the Faculty, it has incorrectly informed the public ”, stated in the convocation of the group of the silent professor and associate of the Faculty of Philosophy.

This initiative also indicated that Vesić is aware that the Faculty has been sending letters to the city administration and the Stari municipality graduate in an attempt to solve this problem, but was not willing to do anything.

“Vesić also knows that this is a protected unit with an important archaeological site of Roman baths, and in the area of ​​the cultural unit of Knez Mihajlova street where no one can carry out works independently. Therefore, we understand the latest performance of Vesić as a pressure on the Faculty of Philosophy and its professors. “, It is added.

As they claimed, Vesić’s proposal that the Faculty professor Dubravka Stojanović fix this neglected space on her own also strengthens them in that belief.

“Since she is not a member of any governing body of the faculty, we understand this proposal only as a direct threat and a revenge for all the criticism directed by the teachers of this educational institution to the city administration for systematically defacing Belgrade. This threat inevitably associates us with regimes that are critical, punished with physical labor, in which Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge gave the greatest contribution by taking hundreds of university professors to the rice fields ”, concluded the initiative It is not philosophical to be silent in the statement.

Belgrade Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić previously told Studio B television that this institution was the only one guilty of breaking the slab on the plateau in front of the Faculty of Philosophy. On the other hand, the dean of the Faculty of Philosophy prof. Dr. Miomir Despotovic says by that jurisdiction over the Plateau undoubtedly belongs to the City of Belgrade and the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of the City of Belgrade, and that the students and professors of the faculty only use it, like all other citizens.

“You should be heading in the right direction, not me. I know people think I am in charge of everything in Belgrade, but the Faculty of Philosophy is in charge of this plateau. That plateau belongs to them, and the city of Belgrade does not maintain that plateau, “Vesić said, adding:

“But that is why this faculty knows how to criticize this government and knows how to criticize us every time these teachers rebel little by little. Fix that plateau. Today an inspection will come out, for which they will receive a sanction, since they are in charge of that plateau. Everything belongs to them ”, continued the deputy mayor.

Vesić took the opportunity to attack the professor of this faculty, Dubravka Stojanović, who teaches history.

“You have the famous Dubravka Stojanović there, she teaches history there. Well ma’am, since you are in Philosophy, fix the plateau in front of your university. Show what the state you aspire to would be like, that utopia. It is a shame for the owners Goran Vesić concluded in his own style.

Professor Dubravka Stojanović told that she would be delighted if the plateau was owned by the Faculty of Philosophy, so that she could fix it herself.

“I would love for the plateau to be owned by the Faculty of Philosophy and for me to fix it myself, as suggested by Mr. Vesić. At least we would be sure that we would not get palm trees there. But, unfortunately, neither the municipality nor the city ever responded to the firm requests of the faculty, they were not willing to solve it, “said Professor Stojanović for our portal.

He added that Goran Vesić’s performance only goes in the direction of not solving this problem.

“I do not understand the performance as the desire of the city to solve this problem, but as a pressure on the Philosophical”, concluded Stojanović

Extraordinary inspection of the plateau

Yesterday, the Secretariat of Inspection Affairs of the City of Belgrade and the Municipal Inspection of the Old Town carried out an extraordinary inspection of the state of the plateau in front of the Belgrade Faculty of Philosophy.

As stated in the announcement of the departmental secretary, the thematic area on Vase Čarapića street was determined to be completely devastated.

The damage is, as specified, in the form of uneven and missing slabs in the large rolling surface of the plateau, which, in addition to being functional, also represents an aesthetic problem, since as such it interrupted the appearance of the environmental set in the city ​​center.

“Upon knowing the publicly available data from the Real Estate Cadastre, it was determined that the right to use the subject area belongs to the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Philosophy. After the declaration of the responsible person, the competent communal inspection will issue a decision ordering the the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Belgrade “. to all holders of the right to use such and similar areas for preventive and organizational care in public areas, which have been assigned for their use ”, is expressed in the announcement of the Secretariat for Inspection Affairs.
