Petrovic: The situation is spiraling out of control, the need for the state to cover things up is fascinating


The editor-in-chief of the Danas newspaper, Dragoljub Petrovic, values ​​that the situation with the coronavirus in the country is getting out of control and adds that he is fascinated by the need of the State to cover up some things, while, as he himself says, he calls enemies and defeatists to all those. The Rade Panić Doctors and Pharmacists Union. President Vučić’s need to make an enemy of anyone who has criticism at the government’s expense is already becoming completely disgusting, notes the New Day guest.

Commenting on the Podgorica-Belgrade relations this weekend, Petrovic stated that the movements were rushed by both sides, that the Serbian side withdrew a peaceful movement, which, in his opinion, is good in any case. Realizes that it is Withdrawal of the expulsion of the Ambassador of Montenegro news headlines in almost all print media. That’s the theme, but not for the main title, Petrovic emphasizes. As by order, somewhere in the press, from somewhere, some issues are addressed, perhaps in the sense – do not inflate the crown too much, let’s not panic, even if it is not panic, but reporting on the situation in the country says Danas editor. That already happened during the pandemic, especially in pro-government tabloids, he adds.

Referring to Vučić’s statements during a visit to a hospital under construction in Krusevac, he says that based on them, the only culprit is that the hospitals were full during the summer: the opposition, which organized demonstrations in July.

Petrovic says that this situation appears to be out of control and claims, citing Voje Zanetic’s joke, that it appears that Serbia will be the only country where citizens will take to the streets to seek quarantine. You don’t have any circle of people you know where at least someone isn’t infected with the crown and the situation is horrible, he adds.

It seems to me that the state is now using tactics, Vučić mentioned some black funds last night, it seems to me that he actually said that the state cracked right after the ‘first victory over the crown’, when various types of aid were distributed to companies , for which citizens received 100 Euros, so it seems that the state was somehow exhausted then, misjudging that there will be no crowns, says Draža Petrović.

He recalled that then, when the 100 euro aid was distributed to citizens, the expert public warned that it was necessary to wait or give it to the segments of society that were most threatened. I think the state may have been quick to distribute most of that aid to various segments of society in that pre-election corona atmosphere, and now it has gotten to the situation that it has to grab some black funds, which Vučić said in Kruševac, says Petrović.

He affirms that he is fascinated by “the need of the state to cover up some things and that the people who speak from the place, that is, of those red zones of the covd hospitals, like Rade Panic, and not only him”, but also other signers United against the kovids who are part of the people on the front lines of the “front” with the crown, make enemies.

He recalled that they say that people in Novi Pazar, for example, settle in corridors, that housing units are lacking, that people with weaker symptoms are simply sent to receive treatment at home, adding that we hear stories of people who wait hours in front of kovid ambulances. . We have a situation in which the state declares all those who speak like this, as Panic, as enemies, traitors, defeatists who want to sow suspicion, says Petrovic.

He assessed that we have a slight chaos regarding the current state of the fight against the crown.

People like Rade Panic show an extra dose of courage, in addition to being on the front lines of the fight against the crown, to say what is happening in our hospitals and that is not pleasant and can discourage us, but we must listen that the situation does not he is as big as our president. history, says Petrovic.

“President Vučić’s need to make an enemy of anyone who criticizes the government – that is already becoming completely disgusting … I understand that you are fighting against the political opposition – you want to get to power, you want to stay in power .. But, Anyone who shows up here, if he is not a party activist or a politician, such as journalists and doctors, automatically becomes an enemy and takes revenge on him. We know that there were cases in which the signatories of the United Against Kovid petition they were removed from their positions, and there have been several dozen such cases and that there is a certain kind of pressure on them at work, ”said the Danas editor.

Petrovic notes that Panić in his text (addressed to Dr. Predrag Kon) affirms that since the beginning of the pandemic, he wanted to be a volunteer in the so-called red zones, but that is precisely because the president of the Union of Doctors and Pharmacists made it impossible for him – to be in the front line so as not to talk about the real situation “and with those famous respirators that the president sought out as ‘world champion in respirators’, to all the other things. ” And he writes about the fact that there are not enough ventilators, that is, respirators, who have to decide, as in Italy, on the spot, when to put on a respirator and when not to, and that’s just terrifying. And the president instead of admitting that there are weaknesses in the system, he brands Rade Panić as an enemy who, well, he probably wants the president to work on his head and refrains from answering him. It is a situation without a scenario for a single president ”, affirms the H1 guest.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.

Cartoonists are branded as the predecessors of the assassin of the president

Petrovic also spoke about the fact that SNS deputies in the Assembly waved the Koraks cartoons last week as proof that an assassination was being prepared. It’s the umpteenth time cartoons have been used for something like this, he adds. The Korkas cartoon in which Aleksandar Vučić draws a target for himself, which is a topic for everyone who knows what a cartoon is, also knows that it is a metaphor, it was a topic during the weekend on official television , which is almost proof that cartoonists are the forerunners of murderers. says Petrovic.

Vučić and the people around him have had a need for the past six years, the first two were not so dramatic, to play a victim, and the president is looking to compare himself to Zoran Điniđić, who suffered because of his political views, estimates the guest of H1. He claims that the people who watch it believe it, valuing that it is an abuse of power and brainwashing people, “especially playing with that story about the murder.”

We constantly have some tensions that someone wants to kill the president, from the weapons found in Jajinci, to the extraordinary shows in Pink where it was said: I don’t know what force in Serbia wants that, says Petrovic, adding that there may be crazy people. , but forever turning out those stories were exaggerated. It turned out, for example, as incorrect information from Minister Aleksandar Vulin, who said that on that day (when weapons were found in Jajinci), ninety members of various clans were seen near that settlement.

“I think there are always some crazy people or groups of crazy people in the country who want to kill someone. No one can ever support them. There is a justified suspicion that most of the stories about these murders are political propaganda. If you believe that (the cartoonists) Koraks or Dusan Petricic are working with a clan that plans to liquidate a politician, so we can laugh or cry in which country we live, ”he said.

Asked about the government’s proposal to increase the RTS rate from 255 dinars to 299 dinars, he said that it is clear that the public service must exist in all countries, but it is also clear that the public service must perform its function and know that he works in the public interest, and it seems to him that he does not do so on his newscast, which he described as “poor in objectivity.” He recalled that when President Vučić came to power, he said he would never introduce a subscription.
