People will not recognize traffic communication in a few years, what we are doing now has not happened in 50 years.


MOMIROVIC: People will not recognize traffic communication in a few years, what we are doing now has not happened in 50 years.

Photo: Tanjug / Tara Radovanović

BELGRADE – Thanks to incredible investments, Serbia is building a completely new infrastructure and people will be very proud of this country, said the Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Tomislav Momirovic.

Momirovic told RTS that despite the situation with kovid-19, a large number of projects are currently being implemented, including works on the Belgrade-Novi Sad high-speed line, the Moravian Corridor, on the stretch of the Milos highway. Veliki from Preljina to Pozega.

“A lot of projects are currently underway. Next year we will open Nis-Pristina and Backi Breg-Nakovo. A new corridor Sombor-Kikinda, Ruma-Sabac-Loznica, a bridge over the Sava. These are incredible investments. Lo What we are doing now, it is something that has not happened in 50 years. Serbia is building a completely new infrastructure, and people will be very proud of this country and will not be able to recognize this traffic communication, “Momirovic emphasized.

The construction of road infrastructure maintains the macroeconomic stability of Serbia, says Momirović, adding that we have favorable economic results, because the state withdrew good measures in times of crisis and was quick to react. “Public investments have preserved the macroeconomy of the Republic of Serbia, and that is a fact,” says the minister.

He said that next year, Serbia will not only invest in infrastructure, but also save the country’s economy, adding that the situation with the coronavirus also affects private investments.

We all expect private investment to be less, it is simply realistic in these circumstances. Europe is in the most difficult situation in the last 50 years and if we go as a public sector with large investments for which we have potential because of course we have strengthened in the past fiscal consolidation “We are not investing enough in the economy, we are not By saving the economy, we will not be able to preserve the economic standard that we have reached, and we can and must, “Momirovic said.

He noted that the greatest burden on the crown, in addition to healthcare workers on the front lines, is also borne by construction workers.

“At no time did we stop in any corridor or section, works are being done all the time, we have taken advantage of this beautiful climate,” concluded the minister.


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