PEOPLE FROM BELGRADE, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? See the crowds in the shopping centers, many DO NOT respect the measurements (PHOTO)


Belgraders are trying to take advantage of this weekend and buy everything they need for the new year, but many do not respect the epidemiological measures prescribed by crisis personnel and the Government of the Republic of Serbia.

Pictures of one of Belgrade’s shopping centers speak louder than words.

USCE, Usce, shopping center
photo: AJ Panić

There are queues in front of the shops, most of them do not respect the prescribed distance, people do not even wear masks or do not wear them as they should.

The guards present cannot warn all violators of the measures.

USCE, Usce, shopping center
photo: AJ Panić

We remind you, this is the first weekend with relaxed measures, that is, during which the work of bars and shopping centers is allowed until 8 at night, after three weekends in which everything except gas stations, pharmacies and food delivery was closed.

However, this is not a way to go shopping in the middle of the fight against the corona virus.

Belgrade is the city with the most infected, today there were 789 of them, out of a total of 2,693 in Serbia.


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Author: delivery courier
