Broken by pain but with great bitterness in her voice, she wonders how it is possible for someone to lose their life in this way today, “in the justice of God.”
– I have nothing to say but that there are no more of my children, no more of my lilacs. He killed both brothers. He killed my Ćana and my Predja, he ran to help his brother and the villain also killed him … How is our life now? – says mother Radojka in the courtyard of the Jeličić family’s house at 27 Banjalučka street, where she lives with her husband Vid and where she and Stanislav’s family, his wife and two children.
The time of the funeral of the two murdered Jelicic brothers is unknown on Monday. After an investigation at the scene of the tragic event, their bodies were transferred for an autopsy, in order to determine the cause of death.
Stanislav bred “lagoto romanjolo” dogs in the yard, which are used to find precious truffles in the field, which sadly caused a tragedy in the wee hours of the morning last week.
– Stanislav and Predrag worked there, in the forest land, together with two brothers from Jarak. Stanislav even gave them one dog as a gift and sold the other, says the sister of the two Futog victims’ uncles, adding that the two murder suspects were probably jealous and angry about it.
The eldest of the brothers, Predrag, father of three children, had his job, that is, inside his house in nearby Rade Končara street, he was engaged in the production of orthopedic aids, and that fateful weekend he went to help his brother.

Photo: N. Karlić
The tragedy shook Jelicic’s neighbors and friends.
– Do people lose their heads due to fungi? Well, the forest belongs to everyone. How could that happen? I couldn’t sleep all night, when I heard that – says one of Predrag’s neighbors, emphasizing that both brothers were hard-working people, very nice and friendly.
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