
Photo: Printscreen / Youtube
Paulina Manov struggled with excess weight for years, but in the end she managed to win with a lot of practice and sacrifice. He managed to regain his line, began to gain weight due to stress because his father passed away.
“After delivery, a body that is not mine came out and I felt as if another person was enveloping me, so when I turn to one side, she goes to the other,” said actress Paulina Manov, about how it changed her body after the first birth, and then she revealed to us how she managed to get back into the girl line.

“When I carry the baby in the stroller and pass by the window, I see a huge person looking at me from the other side, a very, very large woman, with a huge body. When I saw that body, I went back to see what it was, when that – me “, continued the actress Paulina Manov, who recalled an anecdote after the birth of her daughter:” A few months after the birth, I came to the theater, to my Drama Theater in Belgrade and when I entered the club, I met Vesna Čipčić and her he rejoiced very much and said, “Alas, you have arrived! So when are you going to give birth? “I said,” I already gave birth! ”.
Paulina did not hide the fact that during that period she had no measures regarding food.
“That dish is a lot of disaster. So, burek, yogurt, chocolate, grits,” he said. As he added, his family wisely kept silent.
“They knew that when I was ready, I would, so the pressure was not good at the time. And I knew I would definitely come back to myself. That was not a dilemma for me, it was just a question of how,” he continued.

“I started the diet in June 2009. I used a manual that my mom got when her thyroid got sick. And there you have a list of foods that are used. It was mainly some beans, azuki beans, green beans. For 15 days – 15 bags “, Paulina revealed to us what her diet is like and gave us the details of the menu:
“Breakfast was always oatmeal with a little juice. Lunch and dinner were those whole grains and those beans that for lunch, for example, were mixed mainly with carrots and onions cooked in water. The break between meals was five And so I managed to do those five laps, and on the fifth lap I broke and took those bags and put them in a bucket and said, “I’ve had enough! I don’t want to see any more bags in my life. ” There were some difficult moments during the weight loss, but Paulina did not give up.
“It’s not easy, it’s not that it wasn’t difficult for me. It was terribly difficult for me, terribly difficult, but I endured it. I say, ‘Come on, what material are you from, let me see you now! ‘
When his weight dropped about nine kilograms, he was ready to start training.
“I did four times a week, an hour of cardio, a lot of exercises and when the trainer says, ‘Today, the stairs,’ my eyes go dark. That means an hour and a half of stairs, up-down, up-down. .. “
“I lost nine kilograms in those three months and then I lost about two kilograms a month. I returned to the theater when Mina was 19 months old. Of course I was very happy when she slept less than 60 kilograms and I came back with some girls 58 My family, mine were proud. And they were relieved that while on these diets, everything I liked to eat the most was forbidden. My mom and husband had secret codes. “Was it Grandpa Mosha?” which means: “Did you buy sausages and bacon ? ”, Paulina revealed in an interview the little tricks of her loved ones that benefited her a lot.
Our actress Paulina Manov has a daughter and a son with her husband Vladimir.
(Kurir.rs/AMBlic žena)

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Author: delivery courier