Patriarch Irinej kills the crown with incense!



07.11.2020. 07:00

“I heard and remembered well when a doctor said that incense smoke is the best protection against the virus, and since I am constantly in church, I do not have to worry,” the patriarch told our newspaper in March.

Patriarch Irinej

Patriarch Irinej, Photo: Hello! / Vladimir Markovic

Serbian Patriarch Irinej (90), who was admitted to the kovid “Karaburma” military hospital on Wednesday night after it was determined that he was infected coronavirus, is in a stable health condition and without any symptoms or ailments, and spends most of his time praying, reading and talking with doctors. According to our information, there is a priest from Belgrade in the room with him who has antibodies against the crown, that is, he was recently cured of kovida-19. He is not separated from the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church to be on hand for everything the patriarch needs. According to our source, Irinej, who is otherwise in a good mood, asked the priest yesterday to bring incense to burn incense in the room and, therefore, in the hospital.

– That is the only thing he asked, which was different from the requests of other patients who were housed there, and the hospital staff attended to his needs. The patriarch was mostly happy, he joked with the doctors during the visit, telling them that he had many urgent obligations outside and that it would be good to write him a discharge list as soon as possible, which of course they cannot do until the test is negative. Regardless of your later years, you are not used to resting and staying in one place, so it is no wonder that you are anxious to get out of the hospital, says our source from atop the Serbian Orthodox Church.
At the very beginning of the epidemic, in March, the patriarch told our newspaper that although he belongs to the risk group, he is not afraid of the crown, that is why the smell of incense constantly spreads around him.

– I’m not afraid of that virus at all. I listened and remembered well when a doctor said that incense smoke is the best protection, and considering that I am constantly in church, I do not have to worry – said the patriarch at that time and added:

– That is why I continue with quite normality all my activities, which include visits to the sanctuaries, service of the liturgy, communion of believers and conversations with them. I follow closely what is happening in our country and in the world, how many patients there are, but God will stop it. I hope he will and I pray for that, stated the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church at the time.

It should be remembered that the Serbian patriarch was probably infected with the dangerous virus on Sunday in Podgorica (a city that ranks among the largest access points in Europe in terms of number of patients) when he gave a funeral for the metropolitan Amfilohije in the church , through which thousands marched.
According to our Patriarchate sources, Irinej on Friday when he decided to travel to Podgorica, he was fully aware of the danger he would be exposed to, but at no point did he think about missing the funeral.

Joanikije is being treated at Đurđev stupovi

The diocese of Budva-Niksic announced yesterday that Bishop Joanikije, who is also infected with the coronavirus, “is in good health according to objective parameters and subjective sentiment.” – The bishop is under regular medical supervision and is receiving appropriate therapy at Đurđev stupovi, our cathedral monastery, as announced by the Diocese.
