Patient admission to the new Kovid hospital in Batajnica begins


The director of the new covid hospital in Batajnica, Tatjana Adžić Vukičević, stated that the first patients are expected to be admitted tomorrow afternoon and that patients with moderate and severe clinical picture will be admitted to that covid hospital.

She told RTS that the Batajnica hospital will accept people who have pneumonia, respiratory failure, radiogram changes, chest scans and others who are in danger of extinction from anywhere due to their existing illnesses.

“From the Infectious Diseases Clinic, Zemun Hospital and Bežanijska kosa, which are admission and triage centers, the first patients will arrive at our new Kovid Hospital in Batajnica,” he said, explaining that the goal is to relieve Kovid Hospitals in Belgrade. to get back to normal. pace and treated other patients not infected with coronavirus.

Recalling that patients from Belgrade have been sent out of the capital in recent weeks, Tatjana Adzic Vukicevic said that the idea of ​​the whole project is for all those patients to be in one place.

“We hope that this curve will flatten out, and that everyone is in one place and given adequate assistance. We have 930 places, of which around 680 are in semi-intensive care units and 250 beds in intensive care,” said. director of the Batajnica hospital.

As he himself says, multidisciplinary teams of doctors will work in the hospital, and the objective will be to prevent complications, so that as few patients as possible are in intensive care.

“It is said that about 1,000 of us are needed to cover all the needs of the hospital in three shifts of eight hours each. It was a great job in the Serbian Clinical Center to create teams of doctors, because they are doctors of various specialties, but they they formed up and we left on Friday morning, “said Tatjana Adzic Vukicevic.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
