“PAST WHEN THE AMBULANCE ARRIVED”: The body of a man in front of the Traffic School was noticed by people who lived nearby


As we discovered on the spot, the people who lived behind the school noticed the man’s body. At first they saw a man lying on the steps, they called one of the teachers at this school and told him what was happening.

When the professor approached the man, according to witnesses, he was showing signs of life, but shortly after the ambulance arrived, he passed away.

– The school is open everywhere, there is no fence. Sometimes unknown people come here, but now that there are no classes, it is difficult to control – said the school principal.

He added that the deceased did not work in this educational institution.

According to witnesses, an old man soon arrived at the scene, most likely the father of the deceased, who cried and then left with the police.

According to the first information, it is suspected that the man suffered an overdose.


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